Community Spotlight: Sci-Fi Siege-breakers, Fantasy Adventurers & Magical Horrors

September 23, 2016 by brennon

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We're diving into the Hobby & Painting Forum once again to take a look at what you've been painting up over the past few days. Without further ado it's time to explore the world of Sci-Fi first off and some Horus Heresy-era Space Marines.

Horus Heresy Iron Warriors By olliep

Olliep has been working away on these siege-breakers from the Horus Heresy. Equal in quality at blowing stuff up to the Imperial Fists they are a force to be reckoned with.

Iron Warriors Terminators by olliep

I really like the dark foreboding scheme of the Iron Warriors and it's highlighted here in a mass of metal and bronze. The touches of red across the armour help make the models pop as do the hazard markings across their shoulder pads.

A fearsome group of Terminators indeed. He has matched these up close and personal warriors with some siege weaponry worthy of any Legion. A trio of Vindicators are ready to blast holes in walls.

Iron Warriors Vindicator Team by olliep

Once again we have a simple but effective paint scheme to take in here. It will look good on the battlefield, especially with those bright hazard markings popping up again, facing towards the enemy. I admire the neatness of it all and it's come out very well indeed.

D&D Adventurers By onlyonepinman

It's always been a dream of mine to actually get the time together to paint up my friends D&D characters for the tabletop. Well, onlyonepinman has done that for a range of D&D adventurers from a range of different sources.

Adventuring Party by onlyonepinman

Onlyonepinman has gone into detail about how he painted each of these heroes and the choices he made when deciding on colours and techniques. You can find his run down of the painting of the Rogue on the link above.


I think he's done a great job on these bringing out each of their individual characters. Mix that with the red tying them all together as a group and you've got a set of Adventurers that I would be proud to have sit next to my character sheet.

The Elf in the middle of the group with the bright cyan armour immediately caught my eye as I was looking through the forums. I love the contrast between the dark and the light - something that you can see throughout the group in actual fact.

Pink Horrors By caladors

Rounding things off for this week we return to The Silver Tower and look at some more of caladors work as he brings a selection of Pink Horrors to the tabletop for this dungeon delving adventure.

Pink Horrors (Full) by caladors

Some real effort and attention went into these miniatures to make sure the pink skin has plenty of depth to it. It looks very realistic even though you've got the additional cartoony edge to their presentation with the bright yellow as the secondary colour.

Pink Horrors (Close) by caladors

You can see it more here as we close in on a few of the Pink Horrors looking at the little details like the fire brewing inside their bodies - leaking out of their fingers. The bright blue tongues act as a nice spot colour too.

There's been plenty of amazing painting on offer here once again and you can, of course, share your own work by heading over to our Hobby & Painting Forum.

We love seeing what you've been working on each week so keep the projects coming and don't let those paint brushes dry!

What do you think of this weeks offerings?

"'ve got a set of Adventurers that I would be proud to have sit next to my character sheet"

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