Infamy’s Oscar is Rendered into a Dashing Dandy

February 10, 2015 by dracs

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Infamy: Welcome to the Big Smoke might be a grim and smokey world, but it looks like it is time for a true aesthete to take to the conflict, as the render of Oscar brings out its deadly wit and even more deadly rifle!


Oscar, based upon the brilliant Oscar Wilde, was one of the last miniatures to join the BackerKit. This is the first time we have seen what his model will look like, rather than just a piece of concept art, and I think you will agree the sculpt is incredibly crisp and detailed.

From the filigree on the gun to the boater hat wearing assistant, this is a character model that speaks of arrogant self-assurance and a focus on the ornate and beautiful. However, I doubt that this is a case of form over function, as that rifle looks large enough to put a dent in Frank Hyde!

As well as this famous literary genius turned sniper, Infamy have also revealed the render for the Flower Girl who was made available through the donations box.

Flower Girl

I swear, she gets creepier each time we see her. It has to be the slightly over-large eyes; they turn her into something completely alien.

Will you take a long shot on Oscar in Infamy? Is the Flower Girl going to be skipping her way across your gaming table?

"This is a character model that speaks of arrogant self-assurance and a focus on the ornate and beautiful."

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