Imperial Edict: New Infinity Troop Profiles For Bounty Hunters

June 10, 2017 by brennon

We've got a bit of an update for the world of Infinity inspired by the goings on from Strikezone: Wotan. Here's what they had to say on some new profiles for the Bounty Hunters...


Due to the intensity of the Wotan Blockade conflict, the Imperial Service has received some reinforcements. These new troop profiles will not replace the current Authorized Bounty Hunter, Miranda Ashcroft and Father Lucien Sforza Troop profiles but will become complementary Troop profiles for those miniatures.

These IMPERIAL SERVICE upgrades are ITS legal from now on and will be immediately uploaded to the official Army List building tool, INFINITY ARMY.


“Ruling over entire worlds, in answer to the especial needs of the current crisis of the Wotan Jump Gate, we confer the necessary imperial authority to act as agents of the Imperial Service upon the members of the Bounty Hunters Syndicate registered in the central headquarters of Tiān Di Jing.”

“It is our will that these syndicated bounty hunters, whose professional capacity has been assessed by imperial officials, serve to the cause of Justice as full members of the Imperial Service, by submitting to the perfect hierarchy of this exalted agency of defense of the Law.




In immediate compliance with this edict, these bounty hunters must be considered as agents of the Imperial Service properly authorized, in support mission in the tasks of public order maintenance and defense of people and properties’ security.”

“In witness whereof, the Dragon, Son of Heaven, Master of Complete Abundance, Lone Prince, Lord of the Jade Throne, Celestial Emperor and Lord of the Middle Kingdom hereby undersigns in Zǐjinchéng, the Forbidden City. Tiān Di Jing, capital of the Yutang planet and the Yu Jing StateEmpire.”



With such a manouver from the Yu Jing high command, the Wotan Blockade has become now a profitable territory for those with a certain interest for action & adventure.

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"These new troop profiles will not replace the current Authorized Bounty Hunter, Miranda Ashcroft and Father Lucien Sforza Troop profiles but will become complementary Troop profiles for those miniatures..."

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