Fight With Your Armada Of Space Ships On Gale Force Nine Mats

September 12, 2015 by brennon

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If the big playmats are your thing from Gale Force Nine and you love a bit of Star Wars: Armada then check out these new 6' x 3' space-scapes that are now on pre-order. They come in two flavours with the Frozen Star System and Crimson Gas Giant as the backdrop...

Frozen Star

These are two fantastic designs which put you out in the depths of space or just out of orbit next to a big planet. As mentioned above these would be great for Armada or any large scale space battle game you have.

Crimson Giant

I'd love to see this used for something like White Dragon Miniatures' Shattered Void when it comes out.

Which would you pick?

"I'd love to see this used for something like White Dragon Miniatures' Shattered Void when it comes out..."

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