Learn of the Fallen in Black Library’s Index Chaotica

November 19, 2013 by dracs

Black library is really getting into this digital publishing as they have released a series which will pull back the curtain on some of the most iconic units of the Chaos Space Marines. Dare you peak inside the Index Chaotica?

Noise Marines

Noise Marines Origins Sample

The Index Chaotica series gives us a look at the background and style of various aspects of Chaos in the 41st Millenium, as well as containing art and photos of miniatures. Most of them so far have dealt with various units from the Chaos Space Marine forces, although we have also had a look at that part of the Warp where Grandfather Nurgle has made his garden.

Garden of Nurgle

The latest one to be released focuses upon the most enigmatic of the fallen Marines, the sorcerous automata of the Thousand Sons.


Rubricae Art

Little more than dust sealed inside their power armour, the line troops of the Thousand Sons are the Rubricae. Turned into mindless automatons by Ahriman these marines get explored in this latest instalment to the index Chaotica.

Have any of you read any of these? Will you investigate the Thousand Sons sinister troops?

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