Lazy Squire Give Us A Teaser Of The Heroes & Villains In Stormsunder

November 7, 2019 by brennon

Lazy Squire Games has been showing off a few more teasers for their upcoming game, Stormsunder: Heirs Of Ruin. Three new little trailers give you snippets as to the events and lore that surround this board game.

This gives you a hint as to the terrible world that your heroes find themselves in and what they have to deal with in a game where all your heroes enter this adventure but not all of them are going to come out the other side. Even if they do, things will have changed.

You can then explore their video looking at the Path Of The Hero...

...and the Path Of The Villain, a taste of the cruel creatures and warriors that will be taking the fight to your heroes on the tabletop.

Lazy Squire has got us very intrigued as to how this game plays and we're looking forward to learning more about it in the coming weeks and months.

Are you tempted by this game?

"...we're looking forward to learning more about it in the coming weeks and months"

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