New Quests Await For Corvus Belli’s Warcrow Adventures
January 15, 2025 by brennon
Corvus Belli will be taking pre-orders soon for new quests that your Warcrow Adventures heroes can go on. Your heroes will be heading beyond Hawthorn Point and facing an entirely different foe in the newest expansion, Deathclaws Of The Dream.
Deathclaws Of The Dream // Warcrow Adventures
Deathclaws Of The Dream continues on after the main campaign of Warcrow Adventures. Hawthorn Point has been released from the grasp of the Fog and this set now introduces new mechanics, new gameplay possibilities and new pet rules.
The new heroes that are included in the expansion are Iriavík & Trabor, giving you two different types of heroes for you to play in games of Warcrow.
Iriavík & Trabor // Warcrow Adventures
Iriavík makes use of the new pet options with her fearsome companion, Coal (not pictured). They can act together and cause some nuisance for the enemy. Backing up Iriavík is Trabor, a master blacksmith and engineer who is the chief tinkerer in Hawthorn Point. He also brings a "pet" to your games of Warcrow Adventures with his Trinkets.
Fearsome New Foes
Going up against these characters are the enigmatic Nuada and a whole host of Redcaps for that Fae vibe.
Nuada // Warcrow Adventures
He is the mysterious Elven leader of the Redcaps and you'll have to uncover more about the character throughout the campaign. Many questions have been asked of him and I'm sure you'll be able to work out if he is truly friend or foe in the end.
A bunch of new foes are going to be hitting the tabletop as well as part of Warcrow Adventures and they are absolutely fantastic.
Crucible // Warcrow Adventures
Overseer Stompers & Flamecobs // Warcrow Adventures
Gobblers & Bugbowls // Warcrow Adventures
I'm sure that a lot of folks are going to be picking up these miniatures just to paint! They are gorgeous and possibly some of the best miniatures that Corvus Belli has produced for any of their games. This might be because I'm quite a fan of the Fae aesthetic but I think it would be hard to disagree!
Raise The Dead!
More terrible foes are also making an appearance in the form of They Came From The Fog and the Yaldaboath!
They Came From The Fog // Warcrow Adventures
This set comes with nine new miniatures and four enemy types. There are three Needles, three Marked With Crossbow, two Orc Husks and one Harvester.
They Came From The Fog - Miniatures // Warcrow Adventures
Add the creep factor to your games of Warcrow Adventures and start to step down the path of the corrupted and the undead. The folks at Corvus Belli have been pushing out the boat with Warcrow Adventures and February is going to be one hell of a time to get stuck in.
If the Yaldaboath are your bag then you can also get your hands on a Card Pack that allows you to use the miniatures in the Warcrow wargame!
Yaldaboath Card Pack // Warcrow Adventures
Some big waves are being made in the Fantasy world of Warcrow and I think there will be something for everyone here. Could you be tempted to get stuck into Warcrow Adventures or perhaps use these to try the Warcrow wargame?
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"Some big waves are being made in the Fantasy world of Warcrow..."
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wow they do look good
Warcrow does appear to have some good designers