West Wind Send In The Droptroopers For Weird World War Incursion

February 11, 2016 by brennon

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West Wind are building on their Incursion range with a whole bunch of Drop Troopers coming in for the Germans. There are some rather awesome models in these sets so it could be worth picking these up for other Weird World War games too...

Drop Troopers #1

Of course no self respecting Drop Trooper team is going to be deploying into a warzone without a few special weapons on hand. As well as the basic troopers we have the likes an MG42, Sniper and Flammenwerfer...




I think that the Flammenwerfer and the MG42 trooper look awesome in their powered armour, dragging around some massive weapons for use in battle that the enemy won't be expecting. That's not all though as there is also the hardened veteran Feldwebel and Panzerfaustwerfer to deal with too.



Why worry about having to get tanks into the warzone when you could drop in one of these soldiers with a shoulder mounted panzerfauste to do some serious damage. If you're not familiar with Incursion; it's a board game set within the world of Secrets of the Third Reich where you fight out missions with Allies and German troops trying to achieve objectives and complete narrative missions.

You can find out more about the game over on Board Game Geek!

"Why worry about having to get tanks into the warzone when you could drop in one of these soldiers with a shoulder mounted panzerfauste to do some serious damage..."

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