Join Merrill’s Marauders In Bolt Action & Begin Jungle Fighting

October 4, 2015 by brennon

If you're looking to get stuck in and start taking the fight to the Japanese in your games of Bolt Action then pick up Merrill's Marauders from Warlord Games for Bolt Action. These are soldiers who made quite the name for themselves...

Merrill's Marauders

"They were officially called 5307 Composite Unit but, under their tough and charismatic leader – Brigadier General Frank Merrill – soon earned their famous name.

These hard-marching, tough volunteers raided Japanese supply lines and airfields, carrying their supplies by mule and by horse."

Inside the box you get ten models representing Merrill and his hardened fighters who took on some of the deadliest missions of the war effort in the Pacific. To put things in perspective most of the soldiers who served in the unit were awarded the Bronze Star.

Merrill's Marauders (Unit)

The models look great and come with a range of figures bearing the iconic hats. They are also posed in a variety of great stances which give you a cinematic presence on the battlefield during your games.

Are you going to pick these up for your US Army?

"To put things in perspective most of the soldiers who served in the unit were awarded the Bronze Star..."

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