The Army Painter
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We're kicking things off with a bit of building and painting today as the Hobby Weekend crew arrive...
Join us this weekend as the Cold War goes hot and we take a look at Battlefront's new Team Yankee game. It's time to play more games!
Join us this weekend as the Cold War goes hot and we take a look at Battlefront's new Team Yankee game and get stuck into some games!
Join us this weekend as the Cold War goes hot and we take a look at Battlefront's new Team Yankee game!
It's Sunday and that means big games today at the Boot Camp! The attendees are going to be using their full Infinity boxed sets alongside their TAGs and playing some awesome games on our tables.
The Boot Camp team grab their armies and start the fighting today as they learn the basics of the rules in Infinity and then begin to look at expanding their force with some more models and a few more intricate rules.
Infinity Boot Camp Live Blog: Friday ... 20 UPDATES!
10 years ago 959Attendees gather their armies and start working on building their teams for a weekend of awesome gaming.
So this evening kicks off the Dropzone Commander Bootcamp, brought to you by Beasts of War, Hawk Wargames & Army Painter.