Corvus Belli
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show we dive into some of the awesome new expansions for Mantic Games' Dungeon Saga Origins and ask whether or not their dungeon delving offering has eclipsed the powerhouse that is HeroQuest. Has Mantic mastered the dungeon delve and put the old favourite in its place?
Corvus Belli will be taking pre-orders soon for new quests that your Warcrow Adventures heroes can go on. Your heroes will be heading beyond Hawthorn Point and facing an entirely different foe in the newest expansion, Deathclaws Of The Dream.
The Fantasy world of Warcrow expands with even more 32mm miniatures for February. Corvus Belli has a couple of new sets for you to choose from for both the Hegemony Of Embersig and the Northern Tribes. It's arrows versus bullets!
Corvus Belli are looking ahead to a bunch of new releases in February for the Sci-Fi world of Infinity. There are some great new Expansion Packs and Essentials Sets that you'll be able to pick up for a couple of different factions.
Blitzkrieg Hits Flames Of War! New 15mm Minis & Rules Go Back To Early War In 2025 #OTTWeekender
2 months ago 28It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, the team get stuck into the big reveals from Battlefront Miniatures for Flames Of War! Their 15mm World War 2 wargame is going to be getting some great expansions but most importantly, a BIG new released of Early War books AND loads of new plastic miniatures.
Corvus Belli will be adding some reinforcements to the Warcrow line-up for the beginning of 2025. The new Fantasy miniatures for the Hegemony Of Embersig and Northern Tribes are here to bulk out your forces with more standard troops.
The folks at Corvus Belli have been showing off the new miniatures coming to their 28mm Sci-Fi world of Infinity early next year in January. A couple of new characters are on the way alongside expansions to the JSA and PanOceania forces presented in the latest Sandtrap set.
New WW2 Game! Bolt Action Meets Company Of Heroes In Vanguard: Normandy #OTTWeekender
3 months ago 10It's OTTWeekender time! Warlord Games are now on Kickstarter with their brand new World War 2 board game, Vanguard: Normandy. If you're a fan of Bolt Action and real-time strategy games like Company Of Heroes then this might be an awesome project for you to get involved with.
The world of Infinity expands with even more awesome 28mm Sci-Fi miniatures for the month of December. Corvus Belli has some excellent new miniatures for those going Beyond Operation: Sandtrap and more.
Corvus Belli continues to release some ace 32mm scale Fantasy miniatures for their new wargame, Warcrow. Both the Hegemony Of Embersig and the Northern Alliance are getting some excellent new miniatures in December 2024.
Are These The Perfect Fantasy Orc Miniatures?! Have We Found The Best Of Orktober? #OTTWeekender
4 months ago 10It's OTTWeekender time! Join us this week as we round out Orktober with a bang and have a look at what could possibly be the best Fantasy Orcs that we've ever seen. These Orcs popped up on Kickstarter and they look insanely good and could well be the perfect Fantasy Orc Miniatures for starting a new army.
Following on from Operation: Sandtrap and Infinity N5 Week here OnTableTop, we have a look ahead at the new Infinity Essentials set that will be coming from Corvus Belli for those wanting a new entry point into this 28mm Sci-Fi wargame.
Now you've learned all about Operation: Sandtrap and Infinity N5 this week, Gerry brings Carlos and Killian together for a full Battle Report using the PanOceania Kestrel Colonial Force and the Shindenbutai of JSA from the new Battle Pack by Corvus Belli.
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we dive into an awesome range of new miniatures that you can get your hands on if you're a Mordheim fan. These amazing Witch Hunters would be perfect for your Grimdark Fantasy games in The Cursed City and beyond. Axia has been doing a great job with these miniatures, capturing the feel of Mordheim whilst producing something new and unique.
Carlos shows Killian and Gerry where to go next when it comes to stepping beyond Operation: Sandtrap, the new Battle Pack for Infinity N5 from Corvus Belli. Learn about what new miniatures you'll want to pick up to expand your force of PanOceania and JSA troops.
Following on from our look at the JSA Shindenbutai Profiles in the last video, we dive into the Sectorial Rules or army lists for these miniatures with Carlos from Corvus Belli and how they work in Infinity N5 and Operation: Sandtrap.
You've learned all about the profiles for the Kestrel Colonial Force, now Carlos and Killian take Gerry through the JSA Shindenbutai Profiles for the different miniatures you'll get in the new Infinity N5 Battle Pack, Operation: Sandtrap by Corvus Belli.
Following on from our look at the PanOceania Kestrel Colonial Force Profiles video, we dive into the Sectorial Rules, or army lists, for these miniatures with Carlos from Corvus Belli and how they work in Infinity N5 and Operation: Sandtrap.
Carlos and Killian sit down with Gerry to go through the new Kestrel Colonial Force Profiles that match with the miniatures you get in the new Infinity N5 Battle Pack, Operation: Sandtrap, from Corvus Belli.
One of the best things about Infinity is that the art and concept design that goes into the factions is so in-depth. With that in mind, Gerry talks to Carlos and Killian from Corvus Belli about the process of bringing the miniatures from Operation: Sandtrap to life.
Carlos, Killian and Gerry dive into a look inside the brand new N5 Lore Book from Corvus Belli which will give you all the background that you need to understand the Human Sphere and beyond in the world of Infinity. Packed with gorgeous art and miniatures, it's the perfect book for Infinity fans.
Gerry interviews Carlos and Killian about the new Fireteam Rules that you'll get in Operation: Sandtrap and the new edition of Infinity from Corvus Belli. Get your head around the rules before diving into the set yourself as either PanOceania or JSA and then step beyond the Battle Pack.
Gerry, Carlos and Killian unbox and showcase the brand-new Battle Pack for Infinity N5 by Corvus Belli. They dive into Operation: Sandtrap which focuses on getting players started in the new edition with miniatures for PanOceania and the JSA.
It's OTTWeekender time! We check out some of the awesome new Halo miniatures that Mantic Games are bringing to Wave 2 of Halo: Flashpoint in 2025! Things are hotting up with brand new Spartan variants and the tease of Elites and Brutes on the horizon. If you're a Master Chief or Halo fan in general, the future looks bright.
Corvus Belli and OnTableTop will bring you insight into the excellent new edition of the 28mm Sci-Fi wargame Infinity! Our themed week starts Monday 14th October where we'll be diving into game design chats, unboxings, interviews and a demo game!
The Fantasy world of Warcrow will be getting some excellent new 32mm miniatures for both the Hegemony Of Embersig and the Northern Alliance. Corvus Belli has some more gorgeous miniatures coming our way with some stunning magical effects in the mix too!
Corvus Belli will be taking pre-orders soon for the new edition of Infinity plus the new Operation: Sandtrap set which will guide you into the game! It's the JSA Vs PanOceania alongside some rather awesome special miniatures!
It's OTTWeekender time! With Orktober just around the corner, we dive into some of the awesome miniatures that Kromlech has been showing off for possibly the best month in the wargaming calendar. They have some awesome new characters, troops, vehicles and more that you can use to make your Sci-Fi Orc armies in 28mm look great!
Join us this week for some awesome Empire Of The Dead action, a bit of very charming budget gaming help and some awesome Infinity painting for charity.
Corvus Belli are looking ahead to a new edition of their 28mm scale Sci-Fi wargame, Infinity. N5 is just around the corner (hint, we might me talking to Carlos about it soon) but in the meantime, you can check out some cool previews from Corvus Belli that have been popping up online.
In this week's Cult Of Games, Warren shows that it's not just every Englishman who has their own castle. It seems like Irishmen can do the same with an impressive diorama build for showcasing miniatures. He shows off what you can do with some old plastic toy castle terrain and where you could take other projects!
Corvus Belli will soon be taking pre-orders for a new bunch of Infinity miniatures that will be gracing the tabletop in October. You've got some great new characters coming for different factions as well as an epic new TAG.
Corvus Belli are keeping the reinforcements coming for their 32mm Fantasy wargame, Warcrow. October brings new miniatures for the Northern Tribes and the Hegemony Of Embersig.
Justin unboxes and reviews one of the exclusive Infinity: Paradise Lost miniatures that was released to promote the new Infinity animated series from Corvus Belli. We get a look at the character of Kassad who featured in the trailer and comes as a one-piece 28mm scale miniature in this set.
Check out some more painting from the community as we dive into 20mm World War II, Infinity characters and some fun getting stuck into Malifaux. What have you been working on?
Corvus Belli will soon be taking pre-orders for a range of Infinity releases that will be coming your way in September. There are plenty of new 28mm Sci-Fi characters, troops and more coming your way for the likes of Ariadna and the JSA.
Corvus Belli will soon be taking pre-orders for Beyond Winds From The North, a great expansion for those looking to take their next steps in the Fantasy wargame, Warcrow.
Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS where this week, Warren is talking about going BIG and why it's important to him that you make the most of the games that you play. Put in the effort and play awesome-looking games while you've got the time to do it!
If you missed last week's Corvus Belli GenCon Seminar, the new edition of Infinity is on the way very soon. Corvus Belli's awesome 28mm Sci-Fi skirmish game is going to be getting its N5 edition later this year alongside new miniatures.
Warcrow GenCon Seminar 2024 – Catch Up! [Updated]
7 months ago 2Join Corvus Belli for a pre-recorded Seminar for GenCon 2024 as they go through everything you need to know about the future of their Fantasy world of Warcrow! Hoopoe will take you through more Whispers Of Lindwurm and the future of Warcrow: The Wargame.
Infinity GenCon Seminar 2024 – Catch Up! [Updated]
7 months ago 0Make sure to catch up with Corvus Belli's GenCon 2024 Seminar covering Infinity and what the future holds for their 28mm Sci-Fi wargame. A very excited Carlos will take you through all you need to know.
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we look at the exciting Infinity: Paradise Lost - Trailer for the upcoming animated series adaptation of Corvus Belli's sci-fi/espionage RPG franchise. Produced by Lex+Otis Studios and TeamTO