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Dead Earth Games

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Print & Play The Beastrider Wars Of The Shattered Crown


Dead Earth Games are back on Kickstarter with a Print & Play wargame for you to dive into. The Shattered Crown is expanding with The Beastrider Wars. This is a new Fantasy skirmish game with 3D Printable miniatures and rules available in PDF form with every pledge. 

Check Out The Drowned & The Damned On Kickstarter Now


Dead Earth Games are on Kickstarter with their Fantasy Naval Wargame called The Drowned & The Damned! Take to the high seas with either the Dwarves or Elves in this 1/600 Scale sea-battler.

New Crews Hove Into View For The Pirates Of The Dread Sea


Dead Earth Games are currently on Kickstarter looking to expand the world of Pirates of the Dread Sea with two new fantasy crews and some fantastical creatures. If you have missed Pirates of the Dread Sea it is a fast-paced tabletop skirmish game for two or more players.

Pirates Of The Dread Sea Now Ready For Release


Dead Earth Games has now released not just the Core Rulebook for Pirates Of The Dread Sea but also a bunch of new miniatures too.

Dead Earth Games Launching Pirate Kickstarter Tonight!


Fantasy pirate adventures await as Dead Earth Games are focusing in on the launch of Pirates Of The Dread Sea on Kickstarter at 8pm BST.

Snag Yourself Some Shipshape Pirates Of The Dread Sea


Dead Earth Games has put forth a band of salty sea dogs for you to snap up for their Fantastical high seas game, Pirates Of The Dread Sea. 

Strike your Dwarven Colours with Pirates of the Undead Sea, Now on Kickstarter!


Avast, me hearties! Keep a weather eye open on the Kickstarter sea, for there be a crew of swashbuckling souls ready to fight for gold, their Capt'n and the Jolly Rodger!

Dead Earth’s Orphan 9 Assassin Coming To Kickstarter Today


Launching this evening at 6pm BST you'll be able to get stuck into a small Kickstarter for the Orphan 9 Assassin for Dead Earth Games and Across The Dead Earth.

Dead Earth’s Stag & Bear Riders Mount Up For Battle


After their stint on Kickstarter Dead Earth Games has now added their Stag Riders & Bear Riders to their webstore for you to pre-order. Take a look...

Customise Your Gang With New Across The Dead Earth Supplement


Across The Dead Earth has a new supplement to download, free of charge, which expands upon the customisation of your gangs in this post-apocalyptic world. You can get Origins from their webstore...

Dead Earth Games’ Stag & Bear Rider Kickstarter Going Well


Dead Earth Games have gone ahead and smashed their target funding goal for the Stag & Bear Riders for use within their Fantasy world of The Shattered Crown or whenever else you'd like to use them!

Dead Earth Games Are Riding Stags & Bears Into Battle


Dead Earth Games are going to be back on Kickstarter on November 1st 2015 with a fundraiser to help make both the Bear Riders and Stag Riders a reality for their Fantasy game, The Shattered Crown...

Dead Earth Games Mount Up On Bears For Shattered Crown


Dead Earth Games have shown off one of their finished Bear Riders that will be the focus of a smaller Shattered Crown Kickstarter in the future. Their aim is to get a full unit of these ready for the tabletop...

Across The Dead Earth Gets Two New Survivors


The mercenary sisters Aysha and Nisha are the latest two survivors to make it into the world of Across The Dead Earth by Dead Earth Games. Complete with shotgun and assault rifle they are inseparable on the tabletop.

Ride To War On Bears With The Shattered Crown


Dead Earth Games have shown off the progress on another of their neat units coming to The Shattered Crown which is currently up on Kickstarter. If you like the idea of War Bears then you've come to the right place...

Princess Nave Khra Commands Her Armies In The Shattered Crown


The Shattered Crown is Kickstarting with nineteen days remaining on its campaign. With that in mind they've shown off the Princess Nave Khra on her War Stag. She will be commanding her bellowing hordes...

Dead Earth Games Kick Off Shattered Crown Fundraiser


Dead Earth Games have started their Shattered Crown Fundraiser on Kickstarter. This game, based in reality but with a fantasy edge, pits two rival nations against each other for command of the land. Infantry, heroes and more are coming as this project gets funded...

Dead Earth Games’ Shattered Crown Launches Friday 8pm BST


Dead Earth Games' The Shattered Crown is going to be releasing on Kickstarter this Friday at 8pm. If you're interested in this mythical fantasy world set within a world much like our own then keep an eye on Kickstarter...

The Stag Riding Princess Nave Khra Comes To Life For Shattered Crown


The world of The Shattered Crown is coming together nicely and the latest big project for them has been bringing the Princess Nave Khra to life. She rides into battle atop her Stag and you can see the render for her above in the video...

The Hellesburne Infantry Gather For The Shattered Crown


See how the basic infantry are looking from The Shattered Crown as they have been shown off in metal.

Dead Earth Games’ Next Project Revealed: The Shattered Crown

10 years ago 11

Warriors join mighty armies to make a name for themselves and write their deeds into epic tales with The Shattered Crown, coming to Kickstarter soon from Dead Earth Games. Read more about the game within...

The Engineers Scout Ahead In Across The Dead Earth


Lock n' load and head out into the wasteland with the Engineer Forward Expedition Squad. I wouldn't want to come up against these well armed warriors in the post-apocalypse...

Dead Earth Games Present The Rough Guide Issue One!


Learn more about the post-apocalypse with the launch of The Rough Guide from Dead Earth Games giving you information on the world, scenarios to play out, and a sneak peek at what's coming in the future!

Dead Earth Games Unleashes the Sisterhood


Dead Earth Games brings us another faction for their game, Across the Dead Earth. This time we find us in the midst of some pretty tough women.

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