Rebel Minis
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It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's episode, a new Kickstarter has caught our attention featuring some absolutely amazing new Trench Crusade miniatures! The Red Brigade from Westfalia Miniatures is a perfect first expansion to the Trench Crusade world after last year's hit fundraiser.
Rebel Minis has, by popular demand, made the rules for Morale Napoleon available for you to dive in and pick up. If you've not checked this out before, it could be a fun alternative for those seeking to play out large Napoleonic battles on the tabletop.
Jaw-Dropping Terrain For Epic 40K & Massive Flames Of War Preview Drop! #OTTWeekender
3 years ago 62It's OTT Weekender Time! We show off some jaw-dropping wargaming terrain that would work for Epic 40K AND dive into the big Flames Of War Preview Drop.
Rebel Minis has introduced two sets of rules onto their webstore for you to download in PDF form. One of them dives into Historical wargaming and the other enters a realm of Fantasy.
A set of new 28mm Scale Kobolds has been taken to Kickstarter by the folks at Rebel Minis.