Tommy Maranges

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Company Information

I'm national treasure Tommy Maranges. I'm a writer based in Chicago. So far I've written one book. Here are some of the things I care about.

I started Philosophy Bro during my junior year of college. Apologies in advance for the profanity. The project culminated with my book, Descartes' Meditations, Bro. With all due respect to Rene, my version is much clearer.

I've been on the Partially Examined Life to discuss language, morality, love, and humor. I wrote an introduction to Plato's Republic for Cards Against Humanity. John Wick is one of my favorite movies. And so on.

Game Design
I co-created Secret Hitler, and I've written extensively about the design process. Extensively. (Theory, Process, Balance, Design.) You can sign up to find out about playtests of new projects, including my new game, over to the right.

  • Country: United States of America
  • Company Roles: Publisher