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Stunning 10mm Samurai! Wargames Atlantic’s New Armies For BIG Battles! What’s Next?! #OTTWeekender


It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's episode, we're looking at the next big small-scale release for your epic wargames. Wargames Atlantic are going to be entering the world of 10mm wargaming with some amazing plastic Samurai and Ashigaru for use in Historical wargaming. The plastic sets are coming VERY soon and we get a close look at the brand new sprues and some painted miniatures.

Black Sheep Preview New 28mm Wild West Posses [Updated]


Black Sheep Miniatures are working on a big new set of releases for their 28mm Wild West range! There are six new packs on the way and they have started the preview with both their Pinkertons and Lawmen. 

Monstrous Miniatures Join The Bifrost Collection For Salute


Bifrost Miniatures added two new 28mm monsters to their collection for those seeking to head on a Fantasy adventure in a skirmish game or perhaps a dungeon delve. Both are available over on Warbases' webstore and they will also be available at Salute this year.

Grab Black Sheep’s 28mm Wild West Miniatures From Warbases


Black Sheep Miniatures has announced that they have sold their range to Warbases so their rather neat little range of Wild West figures can now be snapped up from their webstore. We missed a few that got released last year, namely their mounted Bank Robbers and Vaqueros.

Lassoing Your Friends Into The Wild West – A Great Period To Start Historical Wargaming?

1 year ago 12

At OnTableTop, we've often pondered on the best ways to get into Historical wargaming. We even did a whole Cult Of Games episode about it. After mulling it over for a while and muttering about the toss-up between the Dark Ages and World War II, I think I've come down on the side of something entirely different. What about the Wild West?

Get Warbases’ 28mm American Civil War Terrain At Colours!


Colours 2023, the wargaming show that is coming up this weekend, will mark the first time that you'll be able to pick up the 28mm American Civil War terrain range from Warbases. These could be a nice match to the American Civil War miniatures we've seen pop up from 1st Corps perhaps?

Warbases Preview New 15mm Wild West Cactus Creek Terrain


Warbases have announced that they are going to be downsizing their Cactus Creek Wild West terrain to 15mm so you can use it for some smaller-scale shootouts on the tabletop.

Fact! 80s Cartoons Make Great Tabletop Games! + Ex GW Painter Releases Own Paint Range #OTTWeekender

3 years ago 26

It's OTTWeekender Time! It's a fact! 80s Cartoons make for great tabletop games. PLUS, Ex GW Painter releases their new paint range. Will you be giving it a go?

Bifrost Miniatures Release New Fantasy Heroes & Monsters


Bifrost Miniatures has introduced a new selection of heroes and monsters for those going dungeon delving.

Bifrost Share More Of Their Upcoming Fantasy Heroines


Bifrost Miniatures has been showing off more of the new models which will be coming out later this year.

Warbases Preview New Heroes From Biforst Miniatures


Warbases have been talking about their new venture into the world of model making with Bifrost Miniatures.

Weekender XLBS: The Three Beezer Boys


We've got a trio to throw at you today in Weekender XLBS with Gerry, Lloyd and Warren talking about what they're up to hobbywise.

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