UK Games Expo 2022: Saturday Live Blog

Come and join us for a weekend of awesome fun here at the UK Games Expo 2022 in Birmingham, UK!
Share Your Experiences On Social Media With #UKGamesExpo & #UKGE2022
Live Blog - Comment To Win!
We are running a series of three Live Blogs over the three days where you'll be able to watch all of the interviews that we do with the folks here at the event.
Make sure to follow along as there will often be chances for you to comment on specific videos on the Live Blog in order to win prizes.
Also Watch The OnTableTop Livestream
Over the three days of the UK Games Expo, the OnTableTop team are going to be running a livestream showcasing the best of the UK Games Expo and having some fun too.
Follow Along With The Livestream To Win Prizes!
Tune in over the three days and you can check out the Livestream here, on Twitch, YouTube or Facebook and follow along with all the fun and games from this year's event in Birmingham, UK.
Livestream Times
When to watch...
- Friday - 11am - 4pm
- Saturday - 11am - 4pm
- Sunday - 11am - 4pm
We are going to be at the OnTableTop Main Stage in Hall 2 if you want to come and watch us in person and join in some fun and games.
Come Along To The UK Games Expo!
Here is some of the information that you'll want to look out for this weekend.
Make sure to tell us what you're looking forward to this weekend!
UK Games Expo Opening Times
Friday - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday - 9:00am - 4:00pm
You will be able to join us across all three days as we delve into all sorts of awesome goodness from across the gaming spectrum. Tickets are available on the door so if you're inspired to come along, make sure to come along!
Ah the Saturday version
Thanks to all the team, those working behind the camera etc to bring this to us each day. Dont forget to interview justin about the vanbraces !!!
Fantastic live Blog all. Thank you.
Great coverage, have you spoken to Eurydice about flickfleet?
Thank you everyone for all the hard work and great coverage from the expo. I missed out this year but will definitely be there next year.