UK Games Expo 2023: Live Blog
Come and join us for a weekend of awesome fun here at the UK Games Expo 2023 in Birmingham, UK!
Share Your Experiences On Social Media With #UKGamesExpo & #UKGE2023
Live Blog!
We are running a series of three Live Blogs over the three days where you'll be able to watch all of the interviews that we do with the folks here at the event.
Make sure to follow along as there will often be chances for you to comment on specific videos on the Live Blog in order to win prizes.
Also Watch The OnTableTop Livestream
Over the three days of the UK Games Expo, the OnTableTop team are going to be running a livestream showcasing the best of the UK Games Expo and having some fun too.
Follow Along With The Livestream To Win Prizes!
Tune in over the three days and you can check out the Livestream here, on Twitch, YouTube or Facebook and follow along with all the fun and games from this year's event in Birmingham, UK.
Livestream Times
When to watch...
- Friday - 11am - 4pm
- Saturday - 11am - 4pm
- Sunday - 11am - 4pm
We are going to be at the OnTableTop Main Stage in Hall 2 if you want to come and watch us in person and join in some fun and games.
Livestream Schedule
Here's what to watch out...
- Friday
- 11:00 - Luke Gygax Interview
- 11:40 - CATAN Studios Interview
- 12:00 - Ben Aaronovitch - (Rivers Of London) Author Interview
- 12:30 - Cosplay Parade
- 13:00 - Florian Sirieix - After Us Designer Interview
- 13:30 - £1000 Prize Draw!
- 14:00 - Roll Britannia RPG Actual Play
- 15:30 - Funko Games Interview
- 16:30 - Shut Up & Sit Down - Playing Wavelength With You!
- 11:20 - Cubicle 7 - Doctor Who RPG Interview
- 11:40 - Cubicle 7 - Warhammer Roleplaying Games Interview
- 13:00 - Alessio Cavatore Interview
- 13:30 - £1000 Prize Draw!
- 14:00 - No Rolls Barred Q&A
- 14:40 - Alley Cat Games New & Upcoming Games Interview
- 15:00 - Shut Up & Sit Down - Cardboard Courtroom
- 16:00 - UK Games Expo Dragon Off! Andree Schneider & Ralph Horsley Paint Dragons
- 11:00 - The Extraordinary Adventures Of Baron Munchausen
- 12:00 - All About Games - Quick Fire Board Game Pitches!
- 12:30 - Cosplay Parade
- 12:50 - Osprey Games - Battle Of Britain Demo
- 13:30 - £1000 Prize Draw!
- 13:50 - Cubicle 7 - Broken Weave Interview
- 14:30 - Warcradle Studios Interview
- 15:00 - UK Games Expo Awards Ceremony
Make sure to tune in and watch the Livestream!
Come Along To The UK Games Expo!
Here is some of the information that you'll want to look out for this weekend.
Make sure to tell us what you're looking forward to this weekend!
UK Games Expo Opening Times
Friday - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday - 9:00am - 4:00pm
You will be able to join us across all three days as we delve into all sorts of awesome goodness from across the gaming spectrum. Tickets are available on the door so if you're inspired to come along, make sure to come along!
Set Up Was Manic Yesterday...
Set-Up was pretty wild yesterday with loads of companies working really hard to bring the entire of the convention centre to life…
UK Games Expo 2023 - Open For Business!
Make sure to come on down to UK Games Expo in Birmingham if you can and get stuck into all of the action here. There are some amazing things happening in terms of demo games, the family area and more. Plenty of opportunities for you to enjoy yourself over the course of three days!
The Bring & Buy Area - Hall 3!
Got some old games to get rid of so you can make way for some new ones? Make sure to check out the Bring & Buy area in Hall 3 where you can find some seriously awesome classic games for your collection!
Competitive Zone - Hall 3
A bunch of board, card and miniatures games are getting the competitive treatment this weekend. There are folks sitting down and getting stuck into all sorts of games like One Piece, Star Wars: Legion, Conquest and more. There are actually some pretty awesome tables set up, especially for Star Wars: Legion!
Open Gaming!
If you’re someone looking to try out a new game OR you’re looking to just have some fun with a game that you already own, make sure to sit down and enjoy some games in the Open Gaming Area in Hall 3. They have a neat system in place where if you’re looking for gamers, you can stick your flag down and folks can come over and join in the fun.
£1000 Giveaway - Friday Draw
Maybe you could be a lucky winner this time around! Make sure to get stuck into the £1000 draw competition over Saturday and Sunday! Find out more information HERE
The Colouring Competition Winner Has Been Picked! Awesome Work!
Big thanks to Wayland Games for sponsoring the Colouring Competition. One lucky (and very talented) artist has walked away with a £50 Voucher which they can use with the store. Congratulations to everyone who entered as you’ve done an amazing job!
Inside Up Games: Earth, Block and Key and Vault Assault | Stand 2-532
Earth from Inside Up Games has been in high demand all weekend with all UK stock brought to the show and sold out quickly. But don’t fret as they have a number of other excellent games available such as Block and Key as well as Vault Assault!
Evil Genius Games: Escape From New York | Stand 2-301
Evil Genius have a number of TTRPGs at the show, from their ow IP Everyday Heroes to others such as Pacific Rim, Highlander, Kong, Total Recall and Escape From New York.
Atlantis Miniatures Ltd | Stand 2-T27
Justin swings around to Atlantis Miniatures check out their fantatsic range of detailed sci-fi and fantasy miniatures.
Free League Publishing | Stand 1-538
Free League Publishing have a whole load of roleplaying adventures for you to dive into however today they’re showing off their brand new The Lord Of The Rings roleplaying adventure book.
Holmgard Games Ltd: Lone Wolf | Stand 1-588
The team at Holmgard Games take us through what we have to look forward to when we dive into the Lone Wolf Miniatures Game which is coming soon as well as exploring the options for expanding your current adventures. As fans of the gamebook series, this looks like it could be a lot of fun!
Justin Catches Up With Dave From MiniWarGaming!
We couldn’t miss out talking with Dave some more from MiniWarGaming. Justin went along to the Wayland Games stand to have a chat with him.
Meeting The Influencers Visiting UK Games Expo 2023
We got to chat with some of the awesome influencers that turned up at UK Games Expo this year. Justin got to talk to all of them that popped up at the Wayland Games stand. Make sure to check out…
- The Warhammer Girl
- Ironskull Gaming
- Artis Opus
- Pete The Wargamer
- The Painting Phase
- Spens Painting
- Hellstorm Wargaming
Make sure to check them all out and find out more about what they’ve been up to!
Parable Games: Shiver RPG | Stand 2-T1
We got to chat with Parable Games about their awesome range of roleplaying games including the hit RPG, Shiver. If you like your Horror on the tabletop then this is the group that you need to go and see. They have some absolutely awesome books packed with gorgeous art and bloodshed!
Stonesword Games: Daimyo | Stand 1-1025
Another awesome game for you to check out, this time from Stone Sword Games. They have been sticking with the vibe of Feudal Japan and their game, Daimyo. This game was requested by a few folks and is well worth having a peek at!
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