Dungeon Saga Versus HeroQuest – Has Mantic Mastered The Dungeon Delve? #OTTWeekender
January 17, 2025 by avernos
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we dive into some of the awesome new expansions for Mantic Games' Dungeon Saga Origins and ask whether or not their dungeon-delving offering has eclipsed the powerhouse that is HeroQuest. Has Mantic mastered the dungeon delve and put the old favourite in its place?
We go through what we like about Dungeon Saga Origins and the changes that Mantic has made to the game to make it more inviting, and friendlier to families and younger gamers ALL whilst keeping it modern with up-to-date mechanics and ideas rather than rehashing old ones. Are you a Dungeon Saga Origins fan or a HeroQuest fan looking for something new?
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As always, dive into the comments and tell us all your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!
TerrainFest Extended
Gerry has decided to extend TerrainFest for another few weeks until the end of January.
TerrainFest Extended For One More Month
This means that you've got a few more weeks to complete your projects with the hope of winning that £300 voucher!
Indie Of The Week - Eagle Figures
Check out some of the excellent 28mm miniatures from Eagle Figures that would be great for your Napoleonic wargames, a bit of American Civil War and the Seven Year's War.
Check Out More From Eagle Figures
This is a proper old-school collection but the one-piece metal miniatures are fantastic for use as part of armies in full or just leading units of plastic miniatures.
Tabletop Gaming News
Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week that caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"
- New Conquest Faction From Para Bellum Games - The Yoroni - A brand new faction for Conquest bringing Japanese myth and legend to the world of Ea
- Blood On The Sands Gladiatorial Skirmish Game Coming Soon + Wargames Atlantic Collab! - Watch out for this brand-new skirmish game coming soon
- 3rd Edition Bolt Action Compendium Coming Soon - Packed with new rules, this could be a good addition to anyone's collection
- New Axis & Allies Board Games Up For Pre-Order - With A G.I. Joe Twist! - Are you going to be trying out these different options for Axis & Allies?
- Dungeon Saga Origins Pre-Orders - Two New Chapters Available - Why bother playing HeroQuest when you could dive into the awesome Dungeon Saga Origins?
- New Quests Await For Warcrow Adventures - An excellent new expansion is available for Warcrow Adventures featuring some gorgeous new miniatures
- Reinforcements Coming To Warcrow's Wargame - Are you going to be adding more to the two core factions for Warcrow?
Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!
3D Printing Is The S**t!
Gerry and John get a closer look at some of the new 3D printable miniatures that you are going to be able to get from Kickstarter next week via Westfalia Miniatures for The Red Brigade and Trench Crusade.
The Red Brigade By Westfalia Miniatures
The Red Brigade Trench Crusade Kickstarter
There are some great new miniatures for you to choose from alongside a host of new rules as well. It's great to see the world of the Trench Crusade expanding already from different creators.
Tabletop Gaming Crowdfunders
Come and check out some of the crowdfunding projects currently running and others that are just about to launch!
- Batman: Gotham City Chronicles - RPG: Skyline Edition by Monolith Edition - Are you going to try out this roleplaying game which seems to do a great job bringing Gotham to life?
- Download Batman: Gotham City Chronicles Quickstart - Download the Quickstart and give the roleplaying game a go over the next few days
- Spider-Man BBC Radio Drama - Get stuck into a bit of Marvel fun from the BBC!
- Batman BBC Radio Drama - Stick this on during a painting session and get into the Batman vibe
- Grimdark Future: Broken Truth | 2-Player Battle Box (Coming Soon) - Are you going to be scooping up these new physical miniatures from OnePageRules?
Could you be tempted (like Gerry) to try out the Batman roleplaying game? Maybe you'll be keeping your money for that upcoming Grimdark Future boxed set?
Prize Claim Centre
Make sure to dive into the comments and let us know what you think of this week's show!
Have A Great Weekend!
Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020
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Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (in a dungeon)
The best kind?
Depends on your preferences XD
Yay it’s weekender time people’s 🤟
Is Lloyd the judge 🤔
He’s too busy building Rome for Gerry.
Unless you want the results after the end of the universe 😉
Is that not a soldier looking for dancing wolfs ?
Ooh that should be entertaining then?
If GW had their way the figures would be standing on 💀skulls💀
I think that’s the best way – foot-on-skull
One the centre of the battle an the other the surrounding area to bring new unit’s in to the battle 🤔
You’re very kind to extend terrain fest. I fear my project is beyond hope of adequacy even with the extension. Real life is a dick.
Remember it doesn’t have to be the most finished project that wins! Could be something equally badass that was an idea or half done!
What about Help I’m a Fish song?
A hotdog that will blow your head off
Gerry using 3D printer’s it is the end time’s🙆
Could be the phantom raspberry blower ? Ben ?
Fabulous show guy’s 👍
If it helps anyone I have a project from last year with a few Eagle Figures in it. The French are mainly Eagle and the British have more of a mix so are better for a size comparison. https://www.beastsofwar.com/project/1851421/?order=desc
Ah awesome – will make sure to check this out
Friday again already… weekender time
“Video Games are fine but plastic toys are better” that maybe but Metal toys are betterer
You can certainly do more damage with metal toys
On the Blood on the Sands front, there’s a new video previewing the rules (but not the minis)…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_lVCHgQfJ0 I was also thinking you could get the Wargames Atlantic Roman “Gang” minis that came out for Gang of Rome for the Condemned Criminals matchup (where they weren’t armoured in any fancy Gladiator Armour and weapons, they were just thrown a random assortment of clubs and daggers (ok maybe a Gladius) and last man standing got a reprieve). Really, REALLY excited about this one as although there been a few rulesets come out there never been a set of historically accurate… Read more »
Very cool – will dive in and have a look at the videos
It would be nice to see some releases for the other factions of Warcrow.
I think they are coming very soon – they showed off the boxes sometime last year
Dungeon Saga: Oranges, Halo: Fleshlight, Blood and Conquest: 40k Page Rules: Vanguard. What is going on with all these odd game names?
It’s clearly a conspiracy
I do like to think every time someone says the Waterloo campaign was boring or no point an ABBA fan cries
@gerry It’s Sweden. The current Swedish royal family, House Bernadotte, begins from Jean Bernadotte who indeed was one of Napoleon’s marshals. The story I’ve heard of his tattoo was that it was something republican/anti-monarchic he had gotten during the French revolution. A bit awkward once you are the king yourself.😅
Spiderman Audio drama why thank you. Still trying to get me kids into Dungeon crawling maybe Dungeon Saga is the key.
I can see my primary school aged daughter being convinced to play Battle for the Deep.
Would love to try some Dungeon Saga…looks fun.
Gonna use One Page Rules to play Trench Crusade!