Community Spotlight: Magical Terrain, Alien Invasions & Sci-Fi Corpos!
January 15, 2025 by brennon
Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...
...always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.
Magical Woodland Terrain by MontagueBlackwood
We start this week's Community Spotlight with a look at the fantastic work by MontagueBlackwood. They have been making some stunning terrain that could be used for a mixture of different Fantasy wargames in 28mm to 32mm. There is a strong focus on this being great for Moonstone but it would equally be at home in ArcWorlde and anything else vaguely whimsical.
All of the terrain is scratch-built using a bunch of different junk and other components. They have then been turned into larger pieces like the ones you see here as well as scatter terrain which helps to break up line of sight and add a lived in feel to tabletops.
I absolutely love the way that the terrain has been built, using all sorts of bits and pieces, but the real stand-out element for me is the painting. I think the bright and poppy colours are so nice to see and there's a strange artistic vibe to the final look. They look like they have been torn from the pages of an old illustrated children's book from the early 20th Century. I think that particularly shows when you see pieces like the sun and star which end up giving a marginalia vibe.
Over the festive season, MontagueBlackwood finished up a lot of the terrain and as you can see, it looks brilliant when its put together alongside the different miniatures from their collection.
At the moment, they are working on a tower and observatory which will act as a centrepiece for the table and really draw the eye. I think this all looks fantastic and it's a really wonderful project packed with interesting ideas that people can try for themselves. Hopefully, people dive in and get a closer look at this one as it might start to spark some ideas in other people's heads as to what they can do!
War Of The Worlds by hazyboy75
Next, we're going from whimsical Fantasy to a War Of The Worlds and All Quiet On The Martian Front. Taking the products from the Abby Normal Media Kickstarter, hazyboy75 has begun work on getting the different miniatures from this range shipshape and ready to be used on the tabletop.
Tripods and tanks are on the agenda at the moment with some of these gorgeous 15mm Martian craft getting a great paint job due to a bit of Speedpaint and drybrushing. Even though these miniatures are still not entirely finished, they are looking great even with a few initial coats of paint and a bit of light object source lighting.
All Quiet On The Martian Front isn't just about the Tripods and the tanks though and hazyboy75 has also been working on a lot of the infantry that makes up the game and the opposing armies.
Here you can see how the standard German Infantry have come together for use in the game. Again, this is a good use of the Speedpaints to achieve quick and effective results. Some "alien filth" as hazyboy75 describes it has also made it to the tabletop as you'll see below.
I like that they are so different from the German Infantry so you can immediately see who is who on the battlefield. Lots of bright colours will certainly draw the eye. These Lobotrons are people who have been brought under the boot of Martian control so it's probably best to end their miserable lives with a few choice tank shells!
A great project and I hope we'll see some more of the army in time as well as some games being played.
Exploring The Alien Universe by denzien
Last but not least, we're moving on from Victorian Sci-Fi to a bit of Hard Sci-Fi in the world of Alien. denzien has been getting stuck into a lot of different games including AVP Unleashed and so has been sourcing and painting miniatures from different places as well as playing some fun games both on boards and on some great terrain.
Most recently they have been painting up some miniatures from Papsikels to work as the Space Communists in their games. I should have guessed by the red stars. This is one of the examples of denzien going outside the box and having a look at lots of different ranges in order to bring their version of AVP, Alien and such to life on the tabletop.
These miniatures turned out great and I liked the photography of them in place alongside some of denzien's terrain so you can see them in action. Miniatures are lovely on their own photographed in a lightbox but there's something nice about seeing them in their natural habitat amongst wargaming terrain.
Talking of terrain, if you've not had a look at this project and some of the amazing games that denzien has been playing, you need to dive in and give it a look. Some of the setups are wild and as well as looking at Alien miniatures games, denzien has also been making use of Violent Dark to play out their adventures.
This project is a great love letter to both Alien and Predator and it should hopefully spark some ideas in people's heads as to where they can take their own projects if they've wanted to do something similar. There's enough in here for you to do some serious reading as well as plenty of videos!
What Are You Painting Right Now?
Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!
If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!
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Awesome! Great work!
Nice worK!
All three are killer projects!
Great work all!
These are stunning. Hat doffs all round you talented lot, you
What a selection!