Cult Of Games XLBS: How Would YOU Create The Perfect Wargaming Campaign Weekend?
January 19, 2025 by avernos
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Happy Sunday Backstagers, CoGs and OTTers!
Last year my gaming group used the Milton Bradley board game ‘Shogun’ to be the campaign system for our Pike and Shot samurai battles. It worked ok for about 5 rounds when the campaign petered out. There was one assassination attempt that was done via Test of honour. I’m told it was both fun and very thematiuc.
Personally I wouldn’t mind try something similar with the War of the Rings board game and GW’s Middle Earth Strategy Game.
Happy Sunday Mr H
Was all the Monty Python stuff delivered attached to a length of creeper so it would be suitable to be carried by two swallows?
If you don’t like Monty Python then watching the episodes re done in German should reinforce your dislike
Back in the day the BBC didn’t really do pilot episodes so the BBC would just give promising writers money and tell them to go and make 6 episodes
Are they European or African swallows?
Happy Sunday COGz an OTTers 👍😁👍
Nice fuzzy pictures Gerry ?👍
It was Hungarian vs Rumania cold war The worst part of the massive weekend campaign was me balancing on top of a 6 foot step ladder with a VHS camcorder to shoot the aerial recon bits . This recon led to wrong bridges being destroyed etc. All good fun with 30 players and 10 6×4 tables
So every day is Xmas in Gerry world ✨🌎💥✨
They would have a fit if it is shown nowadays Gerry 🤔
You can get the Black Adder series on the movie Hub app @avernos 👍✨👍
And Babylon 5 💥
thankfully I am replete with video tapes of both, but it’s a good shout for the poor unfortunates who don’t have them.
You/they can get it on your phone it didn’t work for the tablet Gerry 👍
Another great Weekender guys. Thanks for covering the Project. Big +1 for the Bootcamp/Campaign idea, I always enjoyed watching the buildup and weekend coverage. The Warlord Epic Boxes might be a neat way to do it. You could do Waterloo with the historical Battalion at 1:1 if you had about 10 players a side, let the Studio guys be the Prussians. You’ve got Qatre Bras for the Saturday. Even better would be the Pike and Shotte box, even if you split it between two people for cost reasons you still get some nice forces and battles of the time didn’t… Read more »
Fab show guy’s 👍
I’m 2 minuets and 52 seconds in and damn you Jerry I need this game 😂
the art in the book is stunning as well, if you’re a python fan and a roleplayer it’s pretty much a required buy
Hairy Sunday First I read “perfect wargaming companies” and I thought “nobody can do that. impossible! way to many variables!”. Then I read “perfect wargaming campaigns” and I laughed and laughed and I screamed from the top of my lungs: Do not go there! That way only madness lies! NO MORTAL CAN DO THAT! 00:00 But first, coffee. 00:18 Staging the back. 03:00 Gesundheit 05:00 That looks so lovely. Your brother really love you. Well done you. 06:50 Dice of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! 12:00 let other people touch your RPG? 13:35 Not seen Monty Python? Those people exist?! oO 21:00 ACW! Shaaaay!… Read more »
“Stand by to Fire Mrs Nesbitt!”
How not to be seen
Well talking of a narrative weekend.
In April a few of us backstage bods are getting together to do just that, based around Operation Market Garden using Chain of Command ☺️
Happy Sunday.
I loved A Game of War and Time Commanders. I remember rewatching Game of War over and over on my VHS recording of it back in the day.
As for weekend campaigns I still like the idea of using the Time Bandits minis from Northumbrian Tin Soldier and jumping from table to table at a historical wargames show.
Python RPG looks a hoot, though you can absolutely play any RPG for laughs. Back in school I was crying with laughter through Moria in MERP.
Fun fact: one contestant of Time Commanders was Ruth Wilson who went on to become and actual actress on the telly. She appeared in a few game shows in those days.
Happy Sunday!
Happy weekend! I’ve had the Hyde Wargaming Campaigns book for a while with the idea that reading it would inspire me to action the way that Armies & Legions & Hordes does for army painting. Maybe this year I’ll get to it XD
Thanks for the butt-butt-ding @brennon – all the minis are from Brother Vinni. @grantinvanman pointed out that they have the full set in a bundle these days. Well worth the money, they’re really nice resins.
@avernos what was the video you were talking about???
@brennon Brother Vinni does a complete set of Turtles, April, Shredder, a few ninjas, etc.
He even has an 18+ version of April 😉
I remember an article in I think wargames illustrated where they used GoPro cameras for the generals to have a miniature eye view of the battle field who had to write orders and got map updates on paper as well – that would be do able for an event I think…
Man, I loved those old ‘Wargames Shows.’ Some of the commanders used to fail in epic proportions which was hilarious. I always thought that War of the Roses would make a good narrative campaign as you could add some level of diplomacy to it so you could never be certain if your ally in one game would stay your ally. It would also be good to do BattleTech with an element of diplomacy. I think the idea of having that Game of Thrones element, almost like a separate game running alongside, alliances being made and broken and a hidden level… Read more »
Well to make the perfect campaign I’d firstly have Rome built……
I would like to do this grand strategy shenanigans. lets do it Gerry lets do it now