VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #2 | Dry-Fitting The Dungeon #DungeonBuild
July 23, 2020 by warzan
Warren is getting creative with us today and continuing his VLOG series where he tracks the building of his epic 28mm D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) Display using the Archon Studio Dungeons & Lasers Dungeon Plastic Set of tabletop scenery terrain for use with your miniatures.
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In this video, we're looking at dry-fitting this dungeon display before we glue it all together for the tabletop. If you were to make a dream set of 28mm tabletop dungeon scenery or a diorama for Dungeons & Dragons; how would you approach it? Would it be with one of these plastic dungeon sets to suit your miniatures?
Tell us your thoughts below...
"If you were to make a dream set of 28mm tabletop dungeon scenery or a diorama for Dungeons & Dragons; how would you approach it?"
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with that many clip holes to fill would it be worth 3d printing a solid end connector?
I think its wise to grab some of the models you want to display and see how they look. Just because a giant fits in that gap, doesn’t mean he’ll look right fighting some heroes in that cramped space. What about dragons/demons with their massive wings?
wonderful to see…. yes lighting is going to be needed to light that bad boy up… next it be sound effects…?
what about smoke effects? mister from a aquatics center? or a converted vape stick thingy?
Smoke and flames!
The rough edges you could just do with irregularly cut card – or maybe foam core or EPVC for greater reslience. It should be a lot less work. It’d also hide your wires without breaking out a router.
That looks mad! (Mad in a good way, not crazy way)
Might be just me but it reminds me of playing Prince of Persia, the first one. One mistimed running leap and straight into a chompy blade trap.
Once built, you could set it up as an ongoing participation game for your kids. Any time you’ve got nothing going on or you’re waiting around they get to move their heroes from left to right and deal with the challenges. Every few weeks you change the models in the case and plan out new traps etc so they always have a new challenge.
Rather than miliput or some form of clay I would use foam core or XPS strips. Cut out a section 4 or 5 by 6 and hit it with the green stuff rollers to give it a nice dungeon look than cut strips off that match up with the outside edge. Then just go along gluing then down or adjusting them if you decided to do a damaged area. It will save on weight and cost and also prevent sharp or hard edges.
Starting to look good. Every dungeon needs a temple room with some pillars, a bloody altar and statue of some deity. Perhaps the model of the statue on the front of the old d&d book…? And how about an entrance at one end? Either a classic sewer or perhaps a cavern? You could have some myconids in the cavern. And both would allow you to put together a resin water feature which would look awesome. Either a dirty sewer or perhaps a waterfall for the cavern. If you went for the cavern, perhaps you could drill a hole through one… Read more »
Ooh man it’s looking brilliant I’ll do some digging an stick a few link’s for you to look over Warren.
Funny you say it’s like a dollhouse. I’ve actually spend a couple of birthdays at a friends house trading hobby tips with her mother. She made intricate doll houses. It was hilarious how many of our techniques where useful to one another.
Looking absolutely ace. I received my terrain crate from the last kickstarter and am seriously looking into getting me some dungeun stuff as well.
You definitely need my plug-n-play LEDs! Not just single colour, but flame effects too – perfect for torchlight/candles! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixwC4gBMVBY Smoke would also be nice 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-VtQquEiIA Of course I’ll happily come over and spend a day soldering a bunch of WS2812B (neopixels) to a controller to make the lights super-awesome. I’ve a little battery-operated wav/mp3 player somewhere I designed a few years ago for adding sound as @soulman suggests too! You get the layout sorted and I’ll shove it full of cool tech (just make sure you’re happy with the layout first, and changing it later might be tricky without… Read more »
I LOVE this project, it’s already looking epic!
How about 3D printing a clip on that fits the D&L’s tiles to cover the front gaps, textured like brick or something?
@warzan if you’re going to need to use a router let Justin do it otherwise I have a feeling that the episode post router will be filmed in A&E lol
Can’t believe that I’m even more excited about this project than after the first post. This is so cool! I was wondering if you considered stair stepping your top levels back a little to help with the front lighting. Will level 5 have a little surface area and a hidden entrance to the dungeon? I believe you are totally correct about playing in this set up. Here is a handy video on using prints in the Terrain Crate frames; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F63bHCfdjxY The portrait is done around the 1:54 point. I love the idea of little pictures of Warzan peeking out at… Read more »
Hey buddy, great work putting it all together. I agree with other posts that a basic 3d design and print would likely be your best option for gap filling the front.
Are you going to paint it assembled or unassembled?
I have to say I would like the top layer to be a nice above ground scene of a couple walking through a field or something not knowing that below their feet lies a dungeon that is the bane of adventurers.
what about electric tea light candles ? it will flicker and will give fire place like lights and torches on walls.
When I watched your first episode I imagined three or more tiers staggered with the bottom tier being widest and each tier getting shallower with stairs etc and some sort of cavern roof between sets of levels, I still believe that a thicker layer between levels is a good idea it may even give you the material to sculpt a decent edge onto?
sorry @warzan cant find the stuff i was going to show you but the spiral trunking comes in various sizes that you could just slip onto the edge of the flooring.
Just a thought.
Make the lowest level as caverns. You might have to branch away from Dungeons and Lasers, but that would be epic with natural caves and underground pools.
Make the highest level the dungeon entrance with half of it being outside and the other being the dungeon entrance.

Put your Dungeon Master miniature there.
This looks really cool. Cannot wait for the next episode.
Although I must ask have you placed any models in it. Certain heroic commander/captain models with a raised sword may not fit in there.
How well does milliput or green stuff stick to plastic?
Even though Andrea will not approve, there should be a Mutunus Tutunus running rampant in the dungeon when done.
To enhance the 3D effect, place openings on the dungeon “wall” and have monsters emerging into the dungeon and coming face-on at the viewer. A dragon’s head and neck protruding into the dungeon would be eye-popping.
Another idea is the pit trap, with the “pit” occupying one section of the level below the level above. This would break up the straight horizontal nature of the dungeon and give you a chance to fill the pit with a colorful faux liquid acrylic.
This is going to look cool. I like the idea of lighting it up in sections. I think as others say you may want to make some of the taller rooms also be bigger generally. Perhaps the cavern idea that daegren mentions could be used to produce a dragon’s lair with its horde of gold (cool to have the horde lit from inside as well.
Getting lights fixed behind the piece will bring it to life, and no mean feat to achieve. If you do redo the jail cells, how about having a false floor above one. An adventurer stands on it and falls through to the cell below, you could have a sliding wall section or two. A stairway to nowhere, a ladder up to a door, half way up a wall that does not open. Just a few ideas for now.
Maybe for lighting pillars with flickering led torches,youd need a lot.