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Reply To: Looking for basing ideas for Genestealer Cult

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Looking for basing ideas for Genestealer Cult Reply To: Looking for basing ideas for Genestealer Cult


Cult of Games Member

Thanks a lot for the ideas and suggestions everyone! Loving it 🙂 I decided to try out the clear bases and ordered a bunch from Greenstuff World (took ages to arrive since I cheaped-out on the shipping). This is a first for me since I normally love going all-out on the bases.

@georgesealy thanks for the link. really cool suggestions…

@maledrakh those are some sweet looking bases (and some really cool models). I was really tempted by that idea since it would offset nicely against the brightly coloured genestealers. Definitely one to try out on a project some time!

@teddymademedoit I only just realised I have the same conundrum with Legion after having glued the models to the bases…

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