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Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter fatique…… Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……


Cult of Games Member

BoW doesn’t even mention half the KS (or competing crowdfunding) related news there is out there.
The weekly list of kickstarters (that isn’t active yet on the new site ?) barely scratched the surface.

Even KS itself has trouble keeping up with the amount of products launching.

No matter the subject it is always tricky for any website to find a good balance between product announcements, preorders, crowdfunding and retail releases/reviews.

Also keep in mind that this ‘too much KS’ news is also psychological.
You always notice something that is in your mind more often than something that isn’t.
People (used to) complain about the amount of GW news … (call it ‘GW fatigue’ if you will ;-))

Here’s a neat test for yourself :

– focus your mind on any random car colour (example : blue)

– notice how you’re suddenly seeing more blue cars on the road ?

There aren’t … you’re simply more aware of them.

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