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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life Reply To: Hobby Weekender 20/07/18 Is this the real life


Cult of Games Member

Hey Team,

Apologies for dropping off the radar – Work usually becomes all-consuming for me from July to September (our D&D campaigns are kind of structured on the basis that my character will either be NPC’ed or go ‘on a side quest’ for a few months) but this year things ramped up unexpectedly in late March. I have a few days off to recharge the batteries before the next push so thought I’d take the opportunity to drop in and say Hi 🙂

Haven’t been hobbying much of late due to a combination of little free time and it just being way too cold – a friend of mine is trying to strip a table to repaint for use when he is doing hobby out in his shed. A month ago it got so cold that the paint stripper had stopped activating when applied. He checked the paint stripper last weekend and the tub was frozen…  My hobby time has been almost exclusively trying to keep up with the Weekender shows, which I’ve managed to do with varying degrees of success. Still getting used to the new site – really liking the projects feed though. There are some really nice projects on the go 🙂

@mage good to see the thread still running – well played. Ogres? And undead? Does this mean you got the dark elves all finished? Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with the threads so you have probably covered elsewhere previously. I keep meaning to dabble in AoS a little bit but can’t justify it until I get some of my ‘in progress’ projects knocked over (ie  I need the bench space…). And lot of shiny loot 🙂 Ha, lego Jawas, awesome!

@dawfydd yes love the new trailer wave every SDCC. Unsure about the new Godzilla – ok yes it looks fantastic and I’m sure I will see it but for me Godzilla films will always be 85 minutes of terrible acting filled window dressing set around 5 minutes of a guy in a rubber dinosaur suit stomping all over a cardboard model of Tokyo 😛 Those Phalanx minis look great!

@tuffyears really nice nurgle knights there 🙂

@warzan aren’t you supposed to be on holidays? Or do I have my days mixed up again? …

@biggabum good to see Saga back out again. having worked graveyards in a hotel you’d be surprised. by how many people end up sleepwalking naked and need to be let back into their rooms after getting locked out. A little bit awkward…

@limburger heh I really don’t need to be reminded of how terrible cartons from my childhood were 😛 The depressing bit is that they have pretty much gotten worse in the intervening years… Poor kids of today 🙁 Having said that, some of the older cartoons do stack up – mainly the old anime ones with english dubs. I guess because they were slightly more mature or had storylines that were more developed? I’m probably being overly judgemental here, sorry 🙂 Did you go in for the full kill team starter box? I’ll have to confess I’m thinking about jumping in (because hey, who doesn’t need more hobby projects on the go?…)

@a27cromwell I know the feeling re building multiples of things. At least you tend to get into a rhythm and the later ones are built more efficiently time-wise I guess…


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