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Reply To: 've just Ordered a 3d Printer – what objects do you guys recommend?

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming 've just Ordered a 3d Printer – what objects do you guys recommend? Reply To: 've just Ordered a 3d Printer – what objects do you guys recommend?


Cult of Games Member

hey @craigwrdouglas welcome to the world of 3D printing 🙂

Once you are all set up and going you will find that there are a wealth of models available on thingiverse if you want to smash out a few test pieces and see what works for you. I’m personally a big fan of the work the guys at Printable Scenery do, some of their models are free to download so you can get a feel for what they are like before buying anything. That said, I haven’t seen any 3d designs which I would consider to be overpriced, I find the Printable Scenery stuff great value and have backed several Kickstarters for them and other creators, and all has worked out OK. Imperial Terrain is worth checking out if you are looking at getting into Star Wars Legion.

Re 40k alternates there are plenty of generic sci-fi tanks out there, wheeled APC’s etc that would look great on the battlefield. Plus flyers, scatter terrain, pipes, platforms and assorted sci-fi gizmos etc. I only recall seeing one Blood Bowl printed terrain KS (link below), but there may be a bunch of stuff out there that I haven’t seen as I haven’t gone looking for it.

Best of luck! Hope the printer arrives soon 🙂


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