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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song.


Cult of Games Member

OK, back to reply properly… First up, question responses:

(1) Favourite historical genre for wargaming, and if you don’t, and I pushed you for an answer, what would it be?

I’m really liking the look of Sharp Practice at the moment, and have started painting up a bunch of Napoleonics to mess around with it. Appreciate this doesn’t really answer the question given Sharp Practice works with most conflicts for the 18th and 19th centuries (and there were a lot…). I could see myself getting into medieval or dark age gaming in a big way – it’s basically fantasy gaming without the wizards and elves. WWII does strike me as interesting and I think if I was going to game anything more modern that is probably what I’d go for, but I’d personally probably add more of a ‘Hollywood’ feel to the games to make them a little less realistic and add another degree of separation between the gaming table and the gravity of the events that transpired in real life. Hmm.. I’m kind of sitting on the fence a bit here apparently… OK, I’ll say Black Powder era as favourite as that is the one I have committed to most fully with regard to gaming progress, but with a caveat that there are a few other periods I would be keen to check out.

(2) Science fiction or Fantasy, and why? This could be movie, RPG, board game, computer game or tabletop related. You decide.

I probably have slightly larger leanings towards fantasy but I will happily dable in both camps. RPG’s tend to be on the fantasy side, as do most of the board games I play. Only real card game we play is Star Saga (A quick 2 player Sci-Fi deck builder – it’s seriously good fun). PC games are a mix and tabletop a mix again with a preference towards fantasy. Having said all that, with the advent of so many newer easily accessible sci-fi games (Starfinder and Kill Team, with Wrath and Glory and Core Space on the way) I could see the balance shifting somewhat.

(3) What mainstream, acclaimed thing have you never gotten into or liked?

Heaps. Most music. Collectible card games have never appealed to me personally – I can understand the appeal but I’ve just never been hooked (A fact for which my wallet is grateful 😉 ). A lot of TV cop dramas -if I care about the main characters or if they are at least interesting then well and good, otherwise I don’t need to see homicides rolled out week after week for no apparent reason…). Disaster movies that don’t involve a guy in a rubber dinosaur suit (and the ones that do you go into with the expectation they will be beyond terrible anyhow). Badly written fiction etc etc. Having said that the stuff I do like most other people wouldn’t get so I’m not going to be critical of others for what they enjoy.

(4) What brand and colour of paint are you fond of using lately?

I’ve been smiling at John’s use of Cavalry Brown on the VLogs lately as that has been my favourite colour for a few years (it is just ridiculously versatile and a great looking colour). Just picked up some Death Guard green yesterday and am keen to give that a goa as I really like the shade.

(5) Name something random and obscure related to gaming you like and feel is under appreciated. It could be a computer game, little known company, or anything that takes your fancy.

Anvil Industries. They do amazing work.


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