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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 17/08/18 Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18



@lancorz my main man, here are the achivements, please and thank you! 🙂 🙂




·         Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic) – a tie between @evilstu & @oriskany 30 EXP each

·         Fire Starter (topic starter, encourages the member circulation) – @mage of course! – 30 EXP

·         Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend) – @elessar2590 for lots of great stuff 100 EXP

·         Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes) @biggabum for his comment on stout, alcohol and being anybodies and everybodies. Made me laugh – 30 EXP

·         Pun-Tertainment (best pun) – @woldenspoons 100 EXP (carried over from last week as nobody won it)


·         Brush Licker (painting & terrain) – @sundancer for painting and completing some awesome star wars minis – 30 EXP

·         Headliner DJ (most eclectic music) @biggabum AND @evilstu for the awesome music – 20 EXP each

·         Armchair Commander (weekend battle reports) – @biggabum for his riveting piece of writing – 50 EXP

·         Community Usher (helpful & engaged) – @evilstu for the good feedback and engagement with other forum members – 30 EXP

·         Storyteller (weekly discussion & story) – @oriskany for his discussion on cloning technology and other posts too – 30 EXP





That… is… 500 I think. Its worse than doing a budget!


I’m on a roll. Onto points now!

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