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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018 Reply To: Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018


Cult of Games Member

@elessar2590 yes have been following the Sharp Practice blog by @civilcourage too – amazing paint jobs on those minis and really a well deserved golden button a few weeks ago. Hadn’t seen the one by @janus1004 but there is some great stuff there too, thanks for linking 🙂

ha can’t really argue with any of those tunes. makes me wonder if they were CD’s owned by the GW staff or if there is a global radio playlist that is pimped across all GW retail outlets to ensure a homogenous shopping experience?… Surely it can’t be coincidence that all the stores play the same bands, right? 😛

Ah yes, batch painting truly is a thing of beauty. Would you care to elaborate on your preferred approach?

Lannisters are looking great already, looking forward to see how they progress. Have you had an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the rules as yet? If so, what are your impressions?

20 points for responses, 30 for tunes and 20 for WIP shots, plus another 10 for Dio just because – I’m firmly of the opinion that the guitar solo from ‘Don’t Talk to Strangers’ from that album is the best recorded in the 80’s 🙂 80 points.

@woldenspoons first up I didn’t get to respond to your Slaanesh comment in last weeks thread but rest assured it did reduce me to a fit of giggling 🙂

Ah yes the Action Force project by @jraldridge is such a brilliant idea. A great opportunity to convert and scratch build components. I had a few of the action figures from when I was younger so it does make me a little nostalgic yoo. Nice to see something that is such a labour of love progressing. Is it inspiring you to kick off a project log for one of the armies you currently have on the go?

I do like the Eurythmics. I used to have something of a crush on Annie Lennox when I was younger…  Maybe we were both weird?… 😛

Two thin coats seems to be something of a mantra of late. I have to confess I sometimes do still go for the one coat option (even then I do thin the paint a little) for large scale batch painting. I think I need to switch pace and do some ‘display’ quality minis to break bad habits. I have only bought the occasional White Dwarf in the last 10 or so years – how are you finding the current format? Is it worth the price of admission, as it were, in a highly digitized and ‘real time’ hobby world? I used to enjoy the battle reports most of all so I guess that’s something that would still be something of a nice cornerstone of the tangible medium.

Sincerely sorry to hear about your bad news, hope both she and you are doing OK 🙁

Best of luck at the tourney if you do manage to make it along. 50 points.

@mage up could always have a ‘practice game’ as it were with an experienced opponent taking 2 of the armies and you taking the other two and ‘playtesting’ a little to see what works optimally as far as terrain is concerned? I’m sure you will have it all planned and working well regardless 🙂

Well with all that practice and ‘cutting your teeth’ as it were on the LoTR minis it must feel a little like coming home when you break them out and start painting. Social gaming sounds fun – no pressure or tourney deadlines, and you can play things form a narrative perspective rather than maximising damage potential of lists. Is that the original Balrog sculpt from 2000? Wow, if so that has held up really, really well 🙂 Yes have watched films I loved as a kid again as an adult. Of course they are always better with nostalgia glasses, but I honestly was surprised how much innuendo I didn’t pick up on as a kid. 25 points

@sundancer sounds like quite the hobby addiction 😛 Pirate games? so anything at all as long as it is pirate related or is it a bit more structured? Or a rotating cast of different games regularly? Medieval fare sounds interesting, please take photos 🙂 20 points


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