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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018 Reply To: Hobby Weekender 24/08/2018


Cult of Games Member

OK, soup started, coffee in hand and a weekend of hobby ahead – lets get to it! 🙂

@woldenspoons Death Guard look really good so far. Glad to heat that the Stormcast queue in a polite and orderly manner 🙂 While I did think that the Demigryph cavalry in 8th ed were beautiful sculpts, from a concept point of view I personally think that they were getting a little too ‘silly’ for the game world (Kislev bear cavalry would have been much more thematic…) I really do like the Stormcasts mounts in the AoS setting though – it’s like GW has given themselves permission to have fun and it just works. 30 points for sharing pics

@mage I’ll have to confess that I do like the idea of having  political element to games. That level of lobbying however is probably not what I am seeking in an in-depth gaming experience ;-P 20 points

@elessar2590 Ah I see – I have been batch painting (usually about 2 dozen at a go) by unit and progressing through with each colour but had not thopught to break thing sup by pose. really does sound like a useful approach as once you are in a rhythm you will target each area without thinking. I usually have to go back and touch up bits I have missed alter on as it presently stands… Wow, @redvers Fallschirmjager look great! I’m always impressed when people can put that much detail into minis at 15mm. They would look perfectly presentable at 28mm 🙂 Thanks for sharing. have you considered just investing in a can of gold spray paint and targeting like that and then throwing a wash on and leaving? I’ll have to admit that gold is not my favourite – I can never get the paint to thin down properly… 50 points for the batch painting technique explanation.

@mage house sitting sounds nice and relaxed 🙂 Loving the worn down colours that @d2painterth is getting on those Sepulchral Guard – it’s quite reminiscent of the bone work on the original conformation miis artwork (and that artwork was exceptional.) Yeah I hear you on the tourney scene – game should be fun not stressful – I’m glad that I am old enough to have worked that one out now 🙂 Was thinking last night about your 4 player game – if you have the minis assembled you could probably just do a ‘test deployment’ on top of the board and se how much room there was left for terrain? A full practice game as I had earlier suggested is probably way too much overkill 😛 Hope the firebelly is coming along well, looking forward to photos. 40 points for feedback and replies.



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