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Reply To: Rasta's Log of Sporadic Painting [Epic, AoS, WFB, DystWars and small buildings]

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Rasta's Log of Sporadic Painting [Epic, AoS, WFB, DystWars and small buildings] Reply To: Rasta's Log of Sporadic Painting [Epic, AoS, WFB, DystWars and small buildings]


Cult of Games Member

@rastamann – that looks awesome!   Brings back a few memories!

The Dropzone Commander board looks really good with it too.  Do you play that game?   I love it.   It’s different to Epic, but still hits some of the same buttons for me.

I’m hoping to get a game of the new Adeptus Titanicus too some time.   And that they release a series of infantry and vehicles for it too!

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