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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 05/10/2018 – Now woth more typos… Reply To: Hobby Weekender 05/10/2018 – Now woth more typos…



Yay. Finally got a game in of Kill Team. I was obsessed before now I’m hooked.

Played my friend Ed with his Death Watch so I was a little concerned to begin with as they are the current internet darlings. He had six marines, armed to the teeth and full of tricks. I had nothing but smelly mutants, bugs and yes, I had a Hulk.

He set up for the TM turn one charge. I knew this so set up in trap formation, cheap bugs at the front ready to counter charge. What actually happened though was I won the initiative for the first turn and just charged his forward advanced veteran with a bunch of bugs and my Hulk.  On the other flank I squeezed forward cover to cover trying to avoid his guns. One fly whizzing up onto the walkways above.

His shooting took out my veteran mutant but he was a little unlucky otherwise. Then in the combat phase all my tiny little guys pattered off his armour before my big guy grabbed him and ripped him in two.  A nice consolidate move took one of my bugs straight into his white scar he had moved up to support.

Again I won initiative for turn two and swamped the white scar with my left flank assault bugs and Hulk. Finally used command points and spawned another bug blocking his escape routes. This time he retreated with his marines further back finally learning his lesson.

His shooting killed my scout mutant and put a flesh wound on my flies but they ignore them so no other effect. In combat it was the same outcome leaving the swarm to pile forward to his two retreating marines.

Turn three and I get the initiative again. Pretty unlucky for Ed but he took it like a champ. This time I threw my flies at both of his marines, they easily survived the overwatch fire and Ed was stuck in combat. The swarm charged in on both guys and the Hulk charged both pushing bugs, flies and anything else out of his way to reach them. Ed’s sniper and heavy took pot shots at a glitchling but something made their guns malfunction and they couldn’t hit him. Just before combat started Ed realised he’d left the iron on, had a chicken in the oven and he had a plane to catch ?. Major win to me and once again it looked my opponent was going to quit the game but luckily he just swapped forces. (It never occurred to him that the force wasn’t the problem).

Luckily I took pictures and these include my scenery as well so enjoy!


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