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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition Reply To: Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition


Cult of Games Member

@sundancer 10 Republic credits for clarifying posts.

@mage sounds like a plan – and a good way to get those ‘in progress’ bits and pieces we all invariably have lying about the place tidied up and dealt with. Hadn’t considered the DoW option with headswaps. Although to be honest it would limit their use for historical purposes. Having them with the germanic heads still means I can get away with using them as the heavily Austro-Germanic themed Empire. Yes would be really nice to have a few of the kits from the Osprey line and just go kitbashing for a while like everyone did at the Fabled Realms bootcamp. I might keep an eye out and see if I can nab any of the Oathmark or Frostgrave stuff on sale moving forward. I did get an email about another impending KS soon from Shiledwolf, although it was for an all female paladin line, which is cool in and of itself but would limit conversion opportunities. 20 republic Credits for additional question response and post comments.

@rayzryr urgh that ad is just disturbingly sedate – what happens when he is on a sugar rush though? 🙂 Could see it working for both actually, perhaps even the other Chaos factions as well with the right colours. Elves are looking good, like the textured bases too. 20 Republic Credits for hobby progress and post.

@horati0nosebl0wer heh yes the traditional geek archetype would point to a very bad version of speed dating (or speed staring at your shoes in awkward silence…) but the vast majority of people I have met over the years who consider themselves ‘geeks’ are perfectly normal, well balanced rounded capable individuals who are perfectly at home in social situations. Of course the obvious counterpoint tot that, and reinforcing your point, is the definitive funk in the air by day 3 of cancon (but then cramming thousands of geeks into huge tin sheds with poor ventilation for days at a time in the middle of the Australian summer might not be the brightest of ideas at the outset…). Heh, love that heresy marine picture and caption. Mini photography is a problem I’m going to address later, got to up my painting game first 🙂 20 Republic Credits for detailed responses.

@oriskany great news. Looking forward to checking out part 2 of the article series later on this evening. 20 Republic Credits for hobby progress.


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