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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 16/11/2018 – Back before you can miss it!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 16/11/2018 – Back before you can miss it! Reply To: Hobby Weekender 16/11/2018 – Back before you can miss it!


Cult of Games Member

@limburger Oooh nice pickup! those sets should work really well together and will be perfect for Star Wars Legion or Kill Team or similar. Mmm… Tasty pastry… 20 Silver Florins.

@horati0nosebl0wer I tried to take better pics but the plastic bags made it difficult with the light reflection. As I don’t want to open them and lose parts before I sit down to assemble them (I have a LOT of form in that department…) I’ll drop a link to the KS instead. It’s the ‘Adventurers’ pledge (which bears no similarity whatsoever to the characters from heroquest…)


Re megatron I think it just looks too similar to a real one at first glance, so you have potential issues which don’t have happy outcomes. At any rate, while I love the original character some of the later versions of the toy have been much improved on the original in my opinion. 20 Silver Florins.

@woldenspoons I have managed to avoid having a serious look at Blackstone or reichbusters purely because I don’t trust my willpower. Also, we are probably due for another Printable Scenery kickstarter soon and I should probably keep my powder dry for that one. Ah yes, ‘mass shifting’ – I had a friend explain it to me about 10 years ago, his explanation was that the more powerful transformers (Megatron, soundwave, jetfire) could use nanobots to rescale their physical proportions as required. I then asked if that meant that Perceptor was more powerful than Hound, at which point he wanted to change the subject… 🙂 20 Silver Florins.

@rayzryr megatron was available in Queensland initially if I recall correctly. One of my friends from school way back in the day had one, but it looked pretty average in robot mode, which is where it spent most of it’s time (kind of like the little sticker faces on G1 ratchet and Ironhide – just not as cool as the cartoon). not sure which print I have, no idea how to tell the difference (ow which box/bucket my minis are in for that matter… could always replace them with newer sculpts of course I guess…). Glad you enjoyed KT 🙂 Thanks for the write-up. 40 Silver Florins for responses and batrep

@dawfydd Ha! perfect Kill team! Literal one man army! 20 Silver Florins.


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