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First of happy new year from the Netherlands to everybody, hope everybody had / is having a fun time. Here’s to a good, hobby filled 2019.

So been racking my brain over what to pledge for 2019, especially after spending some time this week indexing all the potential projects I still have around in the hobby room. To say the list is extensive is a vast understatement, we’re talking like a 7+ A4 page pile’s worth of potential projects.


So rather than specifically picking stuff out now for the entire year I’m going with a slightly different approach. I aim to complete a minimum of 12 projects in 2019, with the idea being that each month one project gets painted while another gets gets prepped for the following month.

For January we’ll start with finishing an outstanding 2018 project, a Badab War Secessionist Killteam. Kept getting distracted by real life on these for a couple of months now, while the original conversion on the leader in fact started in 2010 right after Imperial Armour X came out. About time he got painted right. 😉 Oh and yes, those are true scale Space Marines converted long before anybody had even dreamed about Primaris.


On the prep list I’ve been cleaning up and making bases for the minis in the Highlander boardgame. These should be a lot of fun, do really love making custom, thematic bases. The ‘modern’ sculpts will all get the same theme, but going all out on the ‘old’ characters.


Two things I most definitely hope to work on this coming year are some highly themed stuff for Kill Team, as well as some more models from the superhero gem of a game Pulp City. Not in the least as the latter in particular only requires a handful of models, while pretty much every character / faction out there is extremely characterful. Not to mention that with 3-10 models for a team you can really go all out creating some awesome bases and I’ve had a blast painting them in the past. The Green Emperor and Mysterious Man may very well be getting some reinforcements this year.
As for Kill Team, plenty of ideas and options there. Like over a dozen different bags / boxes’ worth of bits ready to go when inspiration strikes. Thinking this pile of potential projects will be great for when I need a distraction or wacky in between challenge. Lots of varied options there for sure, like some of these for example. 😉
So 2019’s goal:
– Completed 12 projects :  0 / 12.
– Prep next month’s project:  0 / 11.

Januari:  . Paint Badad Secessionist Kill Team / Prep Highlander boardgame miniatures.

Februari:  .  / .

March:  .  / .

April:  .  / .

May:  .  / .

June:  .  / .

Juli:  .  / .

August:  .  / .

September:  .  / .

October:  .  / .

November:  .  / .

December:  .  / .

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