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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing Reply To: Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing


Cult of Games Member

Yes, I’m back. Sorry for the long radio silence but I stayed away from Work and the Internet as far as I could the last two weeks 😉

I literally finished my first run of “Subnautica” yesterday night and man that game is addictive. On the Hobbyfront there was also a hiatus due to lack of space where I could prime miniatures at our current weather. But a “secrit tekk projekt” is a step further along the lines…. I hope I’ll see (or hear) some pewpew soon 😉

No, run along, nothing to see here.

PS: Santa Fett (or is it Boba Clause?) will get a proper picture with the forces. Just you wait.

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