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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019…. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….



Man this is a quiet thread. I got my Nighthaunt finished but no pictures. I shall take some when I get home from work and after I set up my light box. Also have pics to take of my Goblin Scribe and Throne from Goblin Town.


I’m also working on the Stormcast for Nightvault with only four more colours to do (which all include touching up the base-coat, washes, highlights and final highlights). Should get most of it done this evening but probably won’t finish them outright.

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