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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019…. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….


I really missed out on that one… hmm. I’ll make up for it with some more story.

Here I am, Rutherford P. Warbler, just taking a day in my life with the least of all problems in the world and bouncing about the forest, singing to the ladies as I am wont to do on the odd chance of striking up their fancy. So here is the scene with nary a canary care to bother anybody with a beak and then there is this startling sound which nearly had me lose my droppings.

Some fool without feathers on the ground is hitting a large metal bell and causing the most awful racket. Thankfully it isn’t all that often but he is repeatedly doing so which is getting rather annoying. Hopefully it won’t interrupt my divine arias from reaching the ears of everyone far and wide who would be thankful for but a small portion of the complete performance.

For Fluffen’s sake (as Fluffen looks down upon all warblers with the greatest of joy.. more than those greebes, martins and stupid titmouse.. titmice?… whatever) … could he atleast find something better to accompany me with? I see that there are flutes over there. There might be a shamisen just tucked into the corner of that room. Hell, even one of those complicated looking koto might be nice for a break. FFS change it up and shake some maracas!! I hear that’s standard for barbet bands in South America. Knock it off with the bell!!!

No, I will not stop with my singing! I will carry on with these songs, the Songs of my People! I will change the world and move the hearts and minds of those who hear me.

(Some time later)

Ok, I am getting a bit hoarse. Maybe we can reach an agreement Featherless Fool? I’ll take the morning and wake the world in grand style to bask in the greatness of the day. Around lunch I’ll let you go on and clang away at your bell to give everyone some time to reflect on how woeful their life is without my songs and then I can come back to ease into a late afternoon show before the wind down about sunset when everyone should be returning to their nests. You know, to give the world balance once again.

GAAHH!! l have to alert the pigeon patrol to look into this and promptly foul him and that thing as to have it all stop. Really… to think that the neighborhood is going this way.



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