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Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions If you were in charge of GW now Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now


Cult of Games Member

Well, I can at least counter one of those.  Nearly everyone I know was actually totally underwhelmed by last year’s Orks release.  So bet all you like, you’re speculating.  I have also seen quite a lot of Kharadron Overlords on various painting and gaming communities so actually I think they were quite popular.  And Stormcast are becoming almost as ubiquitous as Space Marines in the AoS world.  So there’s very little evidence to back up anything you’re saying, it’s purely anecdote and speculation as to which ranges are selling.  The fact remains, irrespective of which ranges are and are not selling, that GW is doing very well indeed financially and the turnaround is almost entirely down to sales.  So you haven’t really said what you would do differently if you were in charge of Games Workshop. You have simply expressed your continuing displeasure at GW’s cancellation of Fantasy Battle switch to Age of Sigmar, which I guess answers the question what would you do if you were in charge of GW in 2015 should anyone be interested.

I also think you’re being a little disingenuous by suggesting that nothing else on Earth is anything like Warhammer Fantasy Old World.  For a start the actual Renaissance Period of Europe is like the Old World.  But from a fiction point of view you really are forgetting Solomon Kane.  The original WFB setting is very much a mash up of traditional Tolkien fantasty, and Fantasy Horror like Solomon Kane.  It really isn’t as original as you might think.  I totally disagree that Age of Sigmar prevents people from making their own army in their own way themed on something they have read or seen in a film.  If anything Age of Sigmar creates far more flexibility than the old setting.  The old setting was very historically themed and anything that wasn’t historically themed would stick out like a sore thumb.  Age of Sigmar creates far more gaps, much like 40k, into which you can slot your own creations, whether they’re weird and whacky or historically themed.

I think it’s also fair to say that the fact that GW are making Primaris variants of all the old Space Marine types was the plan all along.  I think Primaris is a way of phasing out all the old Space Marine kits and replacing them with new, more accurately scaled Marines.  I am convinced that there will eventually be a Primaris Tactical squad.  I don’t even think it was because Marines weren’t popular or selling I think it was purely to give Space Marines a.much needed overhaul.  I think the Primaris are excellent models and a much better representation of a Space Marine – and I am utterly ambivalent about space marines, they do absolutely nothing for me


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