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Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey! Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!


Cult of Games Member

@sundancer nope, not gonna click on those links… Ren & Stimpy is best left in the mid-90s where it can’t traumatise me anymore 😛

@mage you powered through titans in short order, glad to hear it as good. I’ll add it to my queue (although it’s currently along queue, not getting much time to watch TV presently so things are starting to back up as far as series throughput is concerned – still, nice problem to have 🙂 ) Nice progress on the dwarves and objective markers 🙂

@blinky465 would love to be able to add lights and small motors (even water pumps…) to scenery pieces but my soldering is terrible so I’ll just watch your progress and get a sense of vicarious accomplishment if that’s OK with you? 🙂 Congrats on getting the painting handle prototype finished – a great initiative there BTW 🙂

@woldenspoons yesh don’t stress – mantic are really stating to hit their stride I think (I NEED multiples of that goblin puppy launcher on release… and the new glider is pretty sweet too…). You reply on your phone? Wow, Hat tip to you. if I have to use the phone for more than 4 words I pretty much give up and wait until I’m near a PC…

@horati0nosebl0wer Having a plan really helps output re painting minis. My issue is that if I plan too far in advance (more than a few months) I find my priorities shift and I always feel bad abandoning the original plan without completing it (Yeah, I’m sort of Type A about that stuff… 😛 )

Spent the morning mucking about with my printer, and then after a late start got a bit of progress done on my Chaos Warriors. Going to get back to it and see if I can improve the red washes on the armour for the Khorne warriors and knights…


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