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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's


Cult of Games Member

@horati0nosebl0wer I made it about 7 episodes into Excel Saga. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed what I saw but I think the fact that they were constantly striving to outdo things with each consecutive episode meant that I just decided to tap out for the sake of my sanity 🙂 Oooh Combichrist! I’d had those guys on high rotation at the time – great driving music for late nights.  The earlier Icon of Coil are still one of my favourite groups 🙂 Best of luck with the Eldar, hope the project isn’t too gruelling… 40 points for pledge and responses.

@dawfydd Highlander 2 high art?…. wow, that really doesn’t bode well for Avatar…. /shudders. I actually have SAC on DVD and just haven’t had the time to watch. I think it’s probably because it’s an English sub so I can’t really watch and paint at the same time without losing the thread. Will get back onto it at some stage 🙂 Yes shows like Sons of Anarchy or Breaking Bad are probably just a little too intense for me to unwind with. I’m happy for a show to be tense, gritty or grounded in realism but when it’s all three I can’t watch it to unwind, if that makes sense? Good to hear that Shadowspear is already in hand 🙂 Wow, GW don’t mess around with their release schedules.. 30 points for responses and hobby progress.

@limburger I her what you are saying on TV shows all tending towards the same format as time goes on. I used to see the same thing with local bands. They would record an EP that a friend of the bass player would produce for them in a $300 studio and it would sound innovative, new and interesting. You were genuinely excited by the sound. The follow-up EP they had possibly scraped together a bit more cash, got some better instruments and the sound quality was great. Then they get a break and get signed to a major record label, get put in the high end production studio where the sound of the band gets phased out and they end up sounding like overproduced radio pop nonsense 🙁 Same with TV I’m afraid – the longer the show goes on the more they aim for the ‘middle ground’ I guess… Good rant 🙂 And FYI I’ve seen Rugby games with a 100 point blowout in the final score 😉 30 points for post responses.

@woldenspoons wow! Much assemblage! Well done there. Blast! Didn’t need to hear about the Mantic sale 😛 Some nice stuff discounted too…. 30 points for hobby progress and responses.

@sundancer yeah that’s understandable – reading them in English would probably be a bit of a grind given how complex the story is and the number of characters etc. You want to be able to unwind in your limited free time instead 🙂 10 points.

@robert congrats on the shed progress. Bad news on the missing sand but nice score on the FG scatter 🙂 30 points for hobby progress and responses to others.

@kiranamida 28mm is great for repurposing between game systems, which is handy as it gets difficult to store really quick. I guess the nice thing about gaming in European theatres is that some any of the buildings/walls can be immediately re-used in a high fantasy setting. heh, the allure of smaller scale gaming for massed battles is pretty strong. I’ve personally been looking at 10mm as it lined up with the old Warmaster rules set, and there are plenty of manufacturers out there for fantasy, ancients and Napoleonics. 15mm does sound a lot easier to paint though 🙂 20 points for responses to others.

@blinky465 I feel your pain 🙂 I use hairspray on the build plate to improve adhesion, like your friend suggested. You can also use the screw-top sticks of paper glue that kids use at primary school to try and pin things down on the plate… Maybe try a smaller print-job until you can lock down the problem? 20 points for hobby progress, best of luck!

@mage again excellent responses. I keep getting surprised at how many shows I keep forgetting about until someone has posted to remind me. Like most of your list 🙂 Did they remake Guyver? man I’m out of touch 😛 30 points for detailed question responses.

OK, back to Middenheim for me – going to aim to get them finished this week…

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