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Reply To: Dreamforge Grav Stug KS Relaunch

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Dreamforge Grav Stug KS Relaunch Reply To: Dreamforge Grav Stug KS Relaunch


Cult of Games Member

@nosegoblin : the one game that got held up that I am aware of didn’t have the CE markings required.
So if you’ve got those then all should be ok, unless things change between now and your deadline. The upcoming Brexit will probably be the bigger issue … that is if politicians on both sides can come to some form of an agreement without dragging this thing forever.

The only thing I don’t like about having to pay those taxes is that I won’t know how much it is … and I’d like to know the total costs up front.  It probably will add to the delay, but as most kickstarters tend to miss their deadline anyway that’s not a big deal (to me). IIRC the last kickstarter that had this it cost me about 30 Euro. I don’t know how much of that was admin cost and such.

I think the bigger companies get better deals with shipping companies so they don’t have to make their backers suffer through this.
As always it’s the little guys who have to suffer the most. 🙁

@bvandewalker you can bet I’m looking at certain issues at the EU election next month … I’m so not a fan of Drunker *eh* Juncker as he manages to make Trump look good. It’s the stupid people voting for the lizards that worry me.

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