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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 31/05/19

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Interesting looking link, I will check it out shortly.



@woldenspoons <15 points>


I did the same with my second set (or was it third) to not have twoplicates. 5 points for each


Thanks for the compliment on the surgeon. It’s a beautiful model but I hate repetitive monoposes.


Ok so….



@mage <10 points>


As per Woldenspoons



@dawfydd <30 points>


I hate to say this, but is the crest on the Primaris Captains head on the wrong way aroud? I think the front is facing backward.


That is a good bit of assembly. 20 points.


A couple of quid… dear god the Irish pound and its link to Sterling is long gone and has me out of my depth… that’s… five packets of scampi fries, yes?


Prowlstator is fun. I can imagine one of the dumber Constructicons still asking the others ‘when is prowl coming back’. Thanks! Finished a Chaplain for the Minos this morning but had not the time to take a picture with a work swap… whats a polite way of saying this without expressing frustration that I can convey… ahem… ‘Kerfuffle’.  In other news the Apothercary is almost done.


Actually I kinda need to pick your brain a bit being the other Space Marine fanboy on this thread. Im wanting to do a Badab War project but not sure what armies to pick though I have a fair idea. I was thinking two or three 1,000 point armies from each side. I may include Primaris stuff simply for cool factor, I know they weren’t around t the time. Badab War themed I guess…


10 points for responses to others.

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