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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!* Reply To: Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*


What!?! What heresy is this “Heresy Free?”. Its like going to a coffee house and ordering a double half-caff decaf with a twist of lemon (LA Story). I gotta wonder about this but I’ll toss on my two cents.

1. Artwork that inspired me to buy stuff.. I’d say a pinup fan art piece for the Tau. The figure was done a few times as a scratch build and I was going to try my hand at it before I saw that there was a company that actually had it for sale in their Greater Good section.
2. I am a painting Collector as I’m not engaged with regular games. I seem to get through my Horde of Shame slowly. I say that as I am more apt to paint to high tabletop standards for others who do play. Others are happy, pay me for the work and I lament my clumsy hands when comparing them to the work of world renowned competitors.
3. A House rule for Lunch Money, a card game of playing as children on the playground beating each other for the eponymous lunch money, is to describe your attacks as vividly as possible when playing cards and insulting your opponents in similar childish fashion. You quickly find out who has the sharpest tongues among your friends.
Mixed bag on work but its good by me. I’ve got a three day weekend and just got paid. The downside is that work is likely not going to be doing anything for the next two weeks as there’re issues with mining permits where I am. No renewals means no mining that, in turn, means no need for explosives. So, its likely going to be turning into a trip for me to go on a 10 hr trip north to the middle of nowhere North Dakota for time at a camp. Honestly I’d rather take the time to hobby the hell out of it and punch out more on my painting goals for the year and replay Fallout New Vegas that I picked back up.
Ok, enough of that real life stuff.. hobby time. I’ve gotten my Bloodbowl team primed and I’m waiting for it to cure. I’ve also pulled out some of my project boxes for the painting goals that I know I can show as the display bases are built and awaiting paint. I’m glad for the Spring Clean completion and getting my new place. I’ll be picking up a second DETOLF from IKEA tomorrow with all the things I’ve got planned to show. Eventhough I’m now only hit and miss with posts, until I get a full computer set up, I’m happy to check in on you all.
@sundancer Hold fast and keep a pun in the oven while I’m out. Underdone humor is a sad thing though sometimes raw is exactly what is needed.
@mage make sure to keep an eye on that guy. He’s rather tricksy
@evilstu Where are you Scooby Doo?

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