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Cult of Games Member

@misch It’s the Detolf from Ikea.  Comes with 3 glass shelves you cannot adjust the height of.  Extra shelves can be bought here .  They can have their height adjusted.  The brackets they use are not compatible with the original shelves though.  the Detolf is cheap at £40 I think, but delivery for me was almost that again, so I kept an eye on ebay and picked up one a few miles down the road from me for £25.  You might be able to do the same if you are patient.  It is a very nice and reasonably priced unit.  I believe it is the “industry standard” mini display case.  I assembled mine by myself without issue, but a second pair of hands would have been useful.  The comes up to just above my eye level, so I can kinda see the light fitting poking out of the top, but its not glaring at me.  This makes it a good height to act as an extra shelf, for display of larger items, or just for storage.

As I said above, if you’re going to get one and want to add the extra shelves, I would advise doing that during construction, before any glass is added, but its far from essential to do this.  It’s just less scary this way.

Mine came with the light kit pre-installed.  It is in the very middle of the top, as I would likely have done myself.  I find this means the minis are mostly in shadow.  I’d advice testing it out closer to the front of the case before doing anything permanent, if you get the light.

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