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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Recruitment: YOU NEED US! (UJWC) Reply To: Recruitment: YOU NEED US! (UJWC)



Greetings all. Busy week. Ill be in and out the odd time with my hobby posts when I can steal away a few hours here and there.

My pledge, basically:

Assemble and convert 2x Space Marine Landspeeders
Complete my Mantis Warriors Chapter biker squad
Try to finish four terrain small sized terrain pieces
Get my Forgefiend up to the Wash Stage
Work on my Charcarodons from the Shadowspear set
Continue basecoating my iron warriors

1. Can someone explain to me what is the thing with people hauling about huge bunches of keys and always wearing those stupid bloody lanyards? I must have missed something. I also see loads of idiots driving with those Vape machines clutched in the hands…is this just another sign of the end times?

You really don’t know why they do it? I could tell you, but you might not like the answer… It might even disturb you.

2. Tell me what ‘triggers’ you? I have been learning all about being ‘triggered’ from the SJW’s on YouTube. Learn and grow…learn and grow!

Nothing triggers me.

Being triggered is for people who have genuine life affecting problems like veterans with PTSD or people who have had horrendous things happen to them in their life either at a young or early age, or not, which causes it. I count myself lucky not to be affected by such things.

Do I like onions in curry? No. Do I like it when I make a poo that is more liquid than solid? No. Do I like it when I see tragic death, destruction, terrorism or the like on TV? No. Im not ‘triggered’ though. I just get pi$$ed off like the rest of us and either repress my anger, or do something creative and turn the negativity into something positive.

3. Climate change and ‘global warming’ – fact or fiction? I have seen this 16 year-old girl who has been telling everyone “the world is on fire!” and holding court with all the politicians. She is now on a 60ft yacht heading to the USA to avoid any carbon footprint hee-haw. However, it turns out that they have to fly a crew to America from Sweden to bring the boat back! This young girls is also supposed to be autistic and a selective mute. Hmmmm, what is that I smell…

Fact. It is affecting coastal villages and towns not half an hour from me and places that were fishing grounds for decades have moved. I do not think it is coincidence that certain political parties across the world (using politics to prove a point here) dismiss it when they are the more conservative branch of a political system who also happen to be the ones who have links to big oil and corporations (for example, the Bushes were Chummy business partners with a family you may not have heard of called the Bin Ladens, up until about the early 2000s).

Anyone ever see the politician proving in Australia that a river was polluted by throwing a match in and having it catch fire?

Ill be back later.


Some music


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