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You are of course right, @warzan. Live content will always have an issue with timezones.

No, I didn’t follow the 40K weekend. But that was by my own choice. I was aware it was there, but my love affair with GW stopped years ago, and I find I have little interest in 40K anymore. I still hang on to a bit of Kill Team and Blood Bowl – and I would love if someone would do some coverage of old school Epic – but modern 40K just doesn’t interest me anymore.

And in all honesty, that might be the problem. Over the last few years I have felt myself drifting further and further away from tabletop gaming. It just doesn’t interest me that much these days. So I started concentrating on historical gaming as I cut down on my collection of of various armies. And then I cut even the historical armies as I’ve found myself more interested in reading historical books than in actually gaming.

So yeah…

You should perhaps just disregard all that I say, then. As I will likely be a very tough customer to make happy as my interest is now so narrow.

Sorry… But I really don’t know how else I can answer the question of what more could be done to make Backstage more interesting. You need to cover a wide spectrum of games, that’s understandable. But I’m just finding that the vast majority of them doesn’t interest me at all these days.

I am aware that @oriskany is still doing some historical content. And I should perhaps do more to follow him (which wouldn’t require Backstage anyway). But the thing is… When you rebranded and killed the old forums, a lot of the stuff I was involved with disappeared. So while you were setting the new site up, I found other places to discus historical gaming (and history in general).

I know I sound pretty negative here, but I’m trying to be honest about how I feel right now and why I’m seriously considering canceling Backstage. It’s my honest opinion, but I do realise that I’m just one user among thousands, so take it for what it is.

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