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7EB7F46D-C07C-4E84-AF22-2B16E3FFF22873D83BAD-EC53-402D-B60B-48C91523002CBFB7D09E-6A93-4C24-B146-ACAA7771350FBDE13366-75B3-4333-958D-2085AC72FB9C84340A58-E802-4A68-86EB-A302C9F29D5986A4FD03-30D7-48F0-91BE-02FB04ED32C3F7C580CC-E4D8-4AF4-8765-3C11AD194F9525B7B2FE-1321-471B-9210-B52063B2CEADD29FF272-93CE-48B2-AAFC-754EFB99CC265A013EEA-0052-4F83-9F6B-9396AD150323Orkacron “For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet Terra. But now, you shall witness… its DISMEMBERMENT!” Been working on this scratchbuild for Orktober to go with my ork fleet. Came out pretty good considering I started with a ball of polystyrene ?

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