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I’m happy to assemble figures and slap paint. The benefit of 3D models and minis made with fittings engineered is the lack of trying to key with dry fits for pinning for models that lacked clean connection. Wyrd jumped into plastics and did the hard slog through various models to clear up how things should fit together (begin the legend of Yan Lo’s beard). I think that with the Star Wars Legion figures and what I’ve seen with GW’s more recent plastics fittings as an issue is being taken more seriously.

The idea of working with “prepainted” figures is to take the process of my happiness away. The success and failure of making something grey into colored chaos that attracts attention is what I think we all might be after in our own ways. Thiking of that I’m reminded of all the repaint work I used to see on Wizkid figures.

That all aside I believe that @limburger has hit the nail on the head. There are plenty of things that drive the action and different reactions to the motion in the industry. Its all interesting to watch but it doesn’t get minis painted. Analysis paralysis is about as useful as mental masturbation.

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