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That would be nice, but I don’t see it being an answer to Brexit simply because the UK lost ts privileged access to a potential market of 500 million pop (now down to about 450), geographically next door, and a CANZUK federation of about ~136 million inhabitants geographically spread all over the globe will not make up for it. The prices in AU and NZ are accounted for by shipping rates as well as other factors (I, myself, being in Portugal, have paid 90 AU$ to get Epic forumware models shipped from Australia to me, that accounting for 1/3 of the total price I paid for the models, and that was without EU customs, simply due to the weight/volume of the models).

What I’m now seeing is goods from the UK being harder to get a hold of and that has to be hurting the smaller British companies as I would imagine a lot of wargamers hailing from the continental mainland (though not from around here, naturally, as we are a population of 10 million in Portugal and wargaming is a residual hobby at best).

But this is just my view of things.

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