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Reply To: The end of GW fan animations?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion The end of GW fan animations? Reply To: The end of GW fan animations?


Cult of Games Member

I suspect the problem will be precedent.

When they had no animations products of their own they could quietly ignore that they even existed. Whilst we all know they are out there and what the community was up to, legally speaking they could turn a blind eye because they just weren’t playing in the same field.

Now GW has arrived to play in the same game and they can no longer be wilfully ignorant. They have animations of their own and if they want to be able to defend their IP rights to these they have to be seen to defend them. If they let some people get away with it that sets precedent and others can as well. Intellectual Property defence in law is pretty all or nothing. This is why you get so many cases of giant global corporations taking on some small business that present no threat to them in the least: because if they do, someone who could threaten their bottom line could use their lack of action as precedent that their property isn’t defensible.

Not that this makes it any less sucky of course. From what I have seen from a few creators starting to talk about it, a lot of them don’t seem to like the terms being offered and are choosing to walk away/find alternative avenues for creation. If it kills this section of the community and stops being a inroad for new fans, does it matter which hand was holding the knife?

*disappointed face*

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